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PS3 Tomorrow, Yes + Life goes on Part 2.

The reason for this topic is,I'm going Blog my way into getting myself to play my PS3, :P butyeah I hope this really works, I was either thinking aboutplaying either, Fallout 3, or something else, I know I want to play but I just don't think I can, but I know I can, it just is that......................................... I'M LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:

So now that, that's out of the way I think I'm going to talk alittle about some other things, I know that I'm getting really board at home the only real problem is I can't drive, :( aslo I don't care for the way I look right at this point in my life, my body is the most hated for me, I can't stand it when some guy that is in shape and is well built-up in with a lot ofMuscle, treats girls wrong, or even skinny guys that think they are pimps and don't treat girls right, but I guess that's just what God want them to be is a waste, the reason why, I'm talking about this is I have not that well fit body, but I would treat a girl right I'm thee nicest guy once you would get to know me. :)

I hope no one that IS reading this is offended in anyway what so ever. but that is the problem for the Month for now, but also I'm wanting my life to trun around and everything, but I guess it's not going to happen over night and I know that, but I'm just feeling upset with myself in so many differentways, like I have had a Girlfriend(s), before I started having Seizures then we didn't officially break up but I'm not blaming her at all it's all on me I couldn't keep up with her, and so we just lost contacting each other, and then there was another gil that I really liked but I couldn't get her to come over to my house and Watch wrestling, she was the only Girl that was a friend that liked Wrestling, but then there was my first girl that Ialways liked but couldn't get her to understand orhow to get her to be a girlfriend, but she is and will always be my most favorite, until that right girl comes along, but aso everyone can tell I don't have anything to really blog about other then for the darn life I've been going through.

But I do feel better and everything but I would like to also remind myself to play the PS3 Tomorrow. :)

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and a nice week, who really know I could blog again tomorrow. :?

Blog all ya Later
wwe4ever_in05 AKA The Player8505. :D