Cleveland Cavaliers lost yesterday, but now the series is tied up 2-2 with Boston, but at least the Suns beat the Spurs, that means that the Suns have to beat the Lakers, so we will have a new NBA Champion, but I don't think that's going to happen so easily, the Lakers are very talented team, but the next game for the Cavs is at The Q for Game 5 Vs. the Celtics, and that will be onthisWednesday Night at 8 o'Clock on TNT, but yes there is going to have to be a Game 6 back in Boston.
Butonto the NHL Playoffs wherethe Canadiens are going to try for the second roun d in a row to come back and win a series Vs. a great Pittsburgh team I see the Canadiens winning tonight and making it go to a Game 7, but I'm not fully sure about the Game 7 in Pittsburgh, But I'm happy that the Sharks are going further then they most likely thought they would, and also with the Sharks beating the Red Wings I myself am very happy.
But other then that I really hope the best for everyone and I hope tonights WWE Raw is an ok Show even though they have :roll:Flava Flav :roll: as the GM tonight. :roll:Oh Joy :roll: :P
Till next time.