Well, well, it is almost that time for Wii Sports Resort to be Released, and I can't wait, I know that Gamespot has already put up their Review, but other then that I think it is going to be a really great game maybe alot better then the first Wii Sports which I still play alot, I can't wait to see what ALL of the Games are, AndI for some reason thought I heard that one of the Games are but it is just something else but, dogfighting????????
I really disbelieve that, it most likelyis DiskDogging, or something like that, or else I think Wii wouldn't put that in there, but I do know that this game is going to have alot, good games to play, like Swordplay, Archery, Wave Raceing, Wake bording, and then some old Classics from Wii Sports, Golf and Bowling, Plus there will even be Basketball. :)
But other then that I think I have one more thing to say and that is I'm going to get a NEW mattress, and Box Spring, from Sears.
But other then that I think I'm going to go.