Let me begin by saying that this is in no way a Nintendo bashing rant. I've been a nintendo customer since the gameboy pocket and nintendo 64. I've played games on both the NES and SNES. I've used a Super Scope, an eReader, and a Super Game boy. I started the last consol generation with a Gamecube before buying another console and i proudly own one of the first DS consoles (I have the metriod hunters demo cartridge if that's any indication).
Moving a long to Project Revolutionwhich later became known as the Wii. The Revolution, was being rumored andd speculated well before I had bought my xbox. A few close friends of mine at the time were open Nintendo fan boys, we had no idea what to expect the Revolution was. I had grown apart from these friends do to moving to other schools and some other personal stuff, I had done some PC gaming I liked playing against random people. It was the end of middle school and my taste in gaming had changed. It was now High School and I was stoked for the Xbox360, I was even more stoked to get it on the day it came out, even though it met the fate of RRoD.
Then the Wii was ready to come out (I know I've spent to paragraphs building up to this), the prospect of motion controls had great potential, the lunch games weren't looking pretty good (Zelda and Red Steel), it was backwards compatible no questions asked and it even had the virtual console. What could possible be wrong with that...
Well I'd be lying if I wasn't worried about its graphic capability or hard drivespace. I don't care what anyone says 256MB is nothing compared to what we have to. I suppose it met the needs of the average user but what about the guy downloads the all the ****cs from the shop channel. Yes there were memory cards but surelythey could have given everyone more memory from the get go.
I know graphics is sensitive issue to Nintendo fans, the basis of the Wii being that controls will trump graphics. Well spending about a year playing games with the best graphics on the market it was difficult to look at something that was closer to last gen graphics.This was not say that games didn't look great on the Wii (Super Mario Galaxy has the graphics on the Wii, in my opinion). Graphics lead to a bigger probelm then anything else... 3rd party support.
One the wii lacked was the AAA block buster titles from the rest of the industry. I am fully aware that the wii had a couple of CoD ports and some sports games, but those were too few. The number of comments posted abou game 'X' because it wasn't coming to wii grew, because of the graphicpower need for games like Resident Evil 5. The alterantive was to release a similar but diffrent game on the Wii like RE: UC. In past generations a simple port could be done with minimal damage from the original game.
I would love to continue this blog post but its getting late and I got side tracked in the beging. I hope you can see where I'm going with this.
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