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Nintendo, is this the last straw? part 1

Let me begin by saying that this is in no way a Nintendo bashing rant. I've been a nintendo customer since the gameboy pocket and nintendo 64. I've played games on both the NES and SNES. I've used a Super Scope, an eReader, and a Super Game boy. I started the last consol generation with a Gamecube before buying another console and i proudly own one of the first DS consoles (I have the metriod hunters demo cartridge if that's any indication).

Moving a long to Project Revolutionwhich later became known as the Wii. The Revolution, was being rumored andd speculated well before I had bought my xbox. A few close friends of mine at the time were open Nintendo fan boys, we had no idea what to expect the Revolution was. I had grown apart from these friends do to moving to other schools and some other personal stuff, I had done some PC gaming I liked playing against random people. It was the end of middle school and my taste in gaming had changed. It was now High School and I was stoked for the Xbox360, I was even more stoked to get it on the day it came out, even though it met the fate of RRoD.

Then the Wii was ready to come out (I know I've spent to paragraphs building up to this), the prospect of motion controls had great potential, the lunch games weren't looking pretty good (Zelda and Red Steel), it was backwards compatible no questions asked and it even had the virtual console. What could possible be wrong with that...

Well I'd be lying if I wasn't worried about its graphic capability or hard drivespace. I don't care what anyone says 256MB is nothing compared to what we have to. I suppose it met the needs of the average user but what about the guy downloads the all the ****cs from the shop channel. Yes there were memory cards but surelythey could have given everyone more memory from the get go.

I know graphics is sensitive issue to Nintendo fans, the basis of the Wii being that controls will trump graphics. Well spending about a year playing games with the best graphics on the market it was difficult to look at something that was closer to last gen graphics.This was not say that games didn't look great on the Wii (Super Mario Galaxy has the graphics on the Wii, in my opinion). Graphics lead to a bigger probelm then anything else... 3rd party support.

One the wii lacked was the AAA block buster titles from the rest of the industry. I am fully aware that the wii had a couple of CoD ports and some sports games, but those were too few. The number of comments posted abou game 'X' because it wasn't coming to wii grew, because of the graphicpower need for games like Resident Evil 5. The alterantive was to release a similar but diffrent game on the Wii like RE: UC. In past generations a simple port could be done with minimal damage from the original game.

I would love to continue this blog post but its getting late and I got side tracked in the beging. I hope you can see where I'm going with this.

Dealing with Fanboys; like politics but more pathetic

I don't know about the rest of the community but it seems like all the fanboys have come out of the wood work recently. Its nothing new really i suppose its just an influx right. I remember when a few close friends of mine were self-proclaimed nintendo fanboys; there was nothing wrong with when i got my ps2 no one complained and ironically we all bashed on xbox1, being the newcomer for that console generation it was no suprise really. At that time i had no idea i was going to end up with an xbox and you know what I love it and i'm proud owner of an xbox360 and wii.

Well i haven't kept in contact with those friends who nintendo fanboys i think we've gone off in our own directions, different schools ect., i do miss those days to be honest...

Anyways FF-XIII is out and i've been waiting for this for 5 years. Of Coarse the PS3 fanboys are furious more so than ever going to extreme lengths to blame all of FF-XIII's faults on the xbox. Here we are watching the country divided over politics and bunch of people have nothing better to except wine because a game with expectations set so high didn't deliver. I for one am glad its multi-platform. To me the only thing missing is the great music of Nobuo Uematsu and maybe a few summons but thats it.

What gets me though is the people like the FF-XIII exclusive petition guy (as seen on You Tubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-uTnqYHZ-I&feature=related), he may have faked this but really thats face of the PS3 fanboys and all you guys can do is complain about the kids on xbox live.but whats even worse is the way you guys are acting towards major nelson's gamer tag getting hacked and all you can do is say you hope the sales of the xbox go down. This maybe the internet but that doesn't give you the right be a complete jerk about something like that. imagine if your PSN account got hacked and you used a credit card to buy some stuff do you really want that information out there? I know people are going to complain but show a little empathy for once.

But the bottom line still remains regardless of the system fanboys aren't what they use to be and quite frankly some of are acting down right childish. I know some of you out there still are children but honestly learn some manners it applies to the internet too.

Metal Gear Solid Rising and the exclusive truth.

The MGSR forums are buzzing eversince the bomb that was dropped upon E3. For the longest time people like myself have hoped that MGS4 would make its way to the xbox 360, the announcement of mgsr was quite a surprise and a major highlight at E3. Since then talks of fanboyism and pure fanboyism have been among the chatter. May complain that the game is an exclusive and that MS fanboys would be claiming the same thing if that happened to any franchise exclusive to the xbox 360. Truth be told that the metal gear franchise started on the NES and the that MGS2 appeared on other consels. With that being said were are the Nintendi fanboys in the argument? Why didn't the sony Fanboys Complain about Snake being in SSBB? why is this even a big deal? MGSR isn't even an exclusive. I'll let you sleep on it.

also just as an example of how bad things are getting here is a link to Kojima's blog. http://www.kjp.konami.jp/gs/hideoblog_e/2009/06/000177.html

Fanboyism, FFXIII and You!

Ok so we've all heard the great news FFXIII is slated for a 201o release. So what does this mean for others? It means an inevitable witch hunt is happening. The PS3 Fanboys are pointing fingers at Microsoft for delaying the launch of the highly anticipated installment of the Final Fantasy Franchise. With that being said this was a decision on Square's part to increase profits. I am tired of a bunch of winy fanboys going around mopping because their console lost a great exclusive. I own 2 out of the 3 current gen consoles so don't be screaming fanboy for my honest opinion.

Why the PS3 is loosing eexclusives:

1. The price - Let's face $399 is not cheap especially in this economy. Many of the older SKUs cost more than refurbished at gamestop. The Xbox360 has 3 skus starting at $199 and the wii has has a single sku going for $249. Consumers want more bang for their buck.At lower price rates it's for a consumer to purchase a console with games and accessories or in a bundle for a bout the same price.

2. Blu-Ray - As you all know blu-ray has beatean out HD-DVD, However can it be as sucessful? The answer despite what some may think most people don't have HD tvs yet. Blu-ray has been a big part of the PS3 package. unfortunelately despite postive sales the majoirty still use DVDs. Blu-ray allows for more data storage and proved quite usual in he development of MGS4. Allready dvd and Blu-ray sucessor is in the pipline.

3. Poor exclusives to begin with - Lates face other than MGS4 i really don't find any other exclusives appealing.

In the last generation I had a bias for the Japense consoles now unfortunately there a lot of disapointment Coming out of Japan. Recently I've been disapointed by JRPGs sadly i have yet to beat any. Phantasy Star universe is an example of this it's mediocre at best and i felt kind of silly playing it of coarse rpgs in general havn't been the same oblivion was wicked easy to get through the story but it felty to bah to me. I'm hoping that FFXIII is the RPG i've been waiting for.

I rember nearly four years I put out an e-petion to gain more support for bring the the Final fantasy franchise to the xbox360. I was scoffed at for doing so by many members of the community. I was very excited to hear abot the xbox360 adaption for me that ment that i wouldn't have to buy another console to enjoy a game i've been waiting for.

HD-DVD / Blu-Ray war finally over.

I really can't say I'm suprised by the outcome and quit frankly I don't really care. I think we need to let the standard DVD market flourish for anthor ten years anyways but clearly thats not an option here. Sony Fanboys are estatic (a little to estectic). I don't have an HDTV (yet) so I could really careless. The Technology is still too exspensive. Yes I'm aware of the higher capicty that blu-ray discs have but slow down here not everyone is ready for the switch. I will give sony credit for playing the right cards.

The horror genre,Racial class struggles, and literary analysis

A while back some of you remember the controversy that was being made over the resident evil 5 trailer. Civil Rights activists making the usual rant about what ever comes they're way. Today Whilesearching for whatever Media I could finda resident evilamusement parkattraction. I came across some kind of article that was equating thehorror genre with class struggle and racism and Gentrification. I personally think that people are looking into the context too deeply. Resident evilwas created by Japanese team, they have no race problems in Japan(that I know of), so to say that they are racist isn't necessarily true.The games setting dictates the race of the(not)zombies so it wouldn't make if we sawalot of other races. The games has already taken place in the city, the various underground labs and of course a mansion. so it make sense this has nothing to do with racial issues or aids. I think people are looking into this too seriously. I'm tried ofEnglish teachers always trying totell us that there's some kind of message to every story. Back in middle school when we had to do book conferences some the books i read weren't indent for that kind of interpretation so I'd make something up but back on to the point literary analysisis unnecessary when I watch a movie, play a video game, or reada book I'm doing it forsake of entertainment andto pick up on some kind of message the author supposedly is telling me nor am I looking for symbolism.So o make my point clearzombies are not some kind of lower class or racial group being tormented by the living they attacked first end of argument. On a side English should no longer be necessary after sophomore year of high school.

Quit your wining about Bioschock!

Seriously, so what if Bioshock got 9.0 it's not like it's the end of the world. Thats still a very good score. To be honest I was not really intrested in the game in the first place and I proablly won't pick it up for a long time if ever. All of the forums there are getting redundent with most the topics all about the disapoint ment over the the review. You'll all forget about this soon enough when Halo 3 is released.

Metal Gaer Solid 4 is getting ported

Looks like the PS3 lost another exsclusive. In the lastes issue of OXM the "Rumor Mole" states that there will be a port of Metal Gear Solid 4 for the Xbox 360. This port is beeing worked on by a non- Kojima led team and will hip a couple of months after it's realsed on the PS3. One can only specu;ate what this could entale. Could 360 owners get extra content? Does this mean the PS3 is dead? Will other games like Final Fantasy XIII follow this change of platforms? i sure hope so I really do not have the money to spend on a PS3? Just so I can paly a couple of games that are not availble on the 360 or Wii. Will sony be forced into a real price drop and not a change of SKUs?

Halo 3 Repilcas

I just got an emil from Master Replicas stating that theses fine to replicas are for sale.


Master Replicas meets Master Chief!

The widely anticipated Halo 3 products will be available for Pre-Order this week!

The thrilling story arc continues in Halo 3 as the Master Chief steels himself for the final battle and engraves his legend for all time in the hearts of men.

BR55 Battle Rifle Scaled Replica
Armed with the greatest weaponry known to mankind, the Master Chief defends the human race with an intensity and tenacious drive that lifts him up above insurmountable odds.

For unerring aim at great distances, the Master Chief and the UNSC depend on the BR55 Battle Rifle. This gas-operated, magazine-fed weapon fires 9.5mm ammunition at a deadly high rate of 900 rounds per minute. At 35.4 inches in length and 8.378 lbs and a magazine capacity of 36 rounds, the BR55 brings a burst of pain and suffering to any enemy caught in its sights!

With painstaking attention to detail and scale, Master Replicas brings the glory and mayhem of battle to life with this amazing scaled replica of one of the Master Chief's most powerful weapons! Measuring just six inches (6") from end-to-end, this expertly crafted mini replica features all of the attention to detail that fans have come to expect from Master Replicas, including

  • Die-Cast Metal Construction, with molded plastic accents and detailing!
  • Authentically detailed paint applications!
  • Display Stand Included, featuring the Halo 3 Logo!

Covenant Carbine Scaled Replica
The Covenant - led by newly empowered Brutes - are prepared to thwart the Master Chief at every turn with their more advanced weapons and their greater numbers. Although delicate and light in appearance, the Covenant arsenal - based partially on Forerunner designs - is exceptionally tough and deadly!

For a high rate of accuracy and great power, the Covenant warriors turn to the Carbine. This stocky, semi-automatic weapon is equipped with a 2x non-optical scope and fires an 18 count magazine of solid energy projectiles for quick and devastating results from great distances. At 48.3 inches in length and a hefty 18.3 lbs, the Carbine is a key weapon in the destruction of mankind!

With painstaking attention to detail and scale, Master Replicas brings the glory and mayhem of Halo 3 battle to life with this amazing replica of one of the Covenant's most powerful weapons! Measuring just six inches (6") from end-to-end, this expertly crafted mini replica features all of the attention to detail that fans have come to expect from Master Replicas, including

  • Die-Cast Metal Construction, with molded plastic accents and detailing!
  • Authentically detailed paint applications!
  • Display Stand Included, featuring the Halo 3 Logo!

$19.99 each
Collectors Society Preorder Date: July 18, 2007 (9:00am PST)
General Public Preorder Date: July 19, 2007 (9:00am PST)
Expected to ship: Fall 2007

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft, Bungie, the Bungie logo, Halo, the Halo logo, the Microsoft Games Studios logo, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. " - Master Replicas


Parents neglecte children for Gaming and internet surfing

"RENO, Nev. - A couple authorities say were so obsessed with the Internet and video games that they left their babies starving and suffering other health problems have pleaded guilty to child neglect.

The children of Michael and Iana Straw, a boy age 22 months and a girl age 11 months, were severely malnourished and near death last month when doctors saw them after social workers took them to a hospital, authorities said. Both children are doing well and gaining weight in foster care, prosecutor Kelli Ann Viloria told the Reno Gazette-Journal.

Michael Straw, 25, and Iana Straw, 23, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts each of child neglect. Each faces a maximum 12-year prison sentence.

Viloria said the Reno couple were too distracted by online video games, mainly the fantasy role-playing "Dungeons & Dragons" series, to give their children proper care.

"They had food; they just chose not to give it to their kids because they were too busy playing video games," Viloria told the Reno Gazette-Journal.

Children injured, malnourished
Police said hospital staff had to shave the head of the girl because her hair was matted with cat urine. The 10-pound girl also had a mouth infection, dry skin and severe dehydration.

Her brother had to be treated for starvation and a genital infection. His lack of muscle development caused him difficulty in walking, investigators said.

The Straws have been given public defenders. Jeremy Bosler, head of the county public defender's office, declined to comment to The Associated Press on Saturday.

Michael Straw is an unemployed cashier, and his wife worked for a temporary staffing agency doing warehouse work, according to court records. He received a $50,000 inheritance that he spent on computer equipment and a large plasma television, authorities said.

AMA ponders gaming addiction
While child abuse because of drug addiction is common, abuse rooted in video game addiction is rare, Viloria said.

Last month, experts at an American Medical Association meeting backed away from a proposal to designate video game addiction as a mental disorder, saying it had to be studied further. Some said the issue is like alcoholism, while others said there was no concrete evidence it's a psychological disease.

Patrick Killen, spokesman for Nevada Child Abuse Prevention, said video game addiction's correlation to child abuse is "a new spin on an old problem."

"As we become more technologically advanced, there's more distractions," Killen said. "It's easy for someone to get addicted to something and neglect their children. Whether it's video games or meth, it's a serious issue, and (we) need to become more aware of it." " - MSNBC

great more ammo for lunitics like jack thompson.

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