Yes it is true, I am a real Guitar Hero. It was at Chik-fil-a and it went on and on til midnight. I lost to some kid whose whole life was made up of Guitar Heo,(NERD). Also, because i only got second place, people still sayed that I was a loser,(only a few people tho). Lastly, I downloaded thw GH III demo and i love it. I can fimally play Expert with the standard controller.
Oh Yeah!!! I got off grounding from last blog. I spoke to my mom about the misunderstanding and she was like, "Make sure it doesnt happen again." Ya whatever. Anyway, since i havnt been on for a while, I was womdering who would like to play Halo 3 online with me because for one i need some friends and also because i want to know at least someone on LIVE.
Finally, I think you should all know that I went paintballing on Sunday!!!! It was like the 5th time in my life so i was still a little nervous, but like playing on LIVE, I got over it by the 3rd game. Though the whole day was good, There was one thing that turned it bad. Towrds the end of the day, we were playing free for all. If youve played free for all with 20 people, you know how hard it is to stay alive. Anyway, so i go to sneak up and make som guy surrender. Well, it turns out that my voice decides to crack right as i go to shout SURRENDER,(Friggin puberty!) So the guy shot at me and like 3 of his shots hit me in the one place that didnt need it. Thats right he took the money shot. Literally. So now im stuck in crutches and it hurts to pee.
If you believe in praying, then pray for my frenz in California, I used to live in Escondido, becasue of all the wild fires. Ya thats it for now.
If you want to be my friend on LIVE look up my Gamertag PLEASE!!!