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Totally new union!!!

Hey guys but im making a new union totally devoted to Burnout Revenge because the United Gamers Legion totally bombed and so i left it to DOR6 to handle all that. If you have any other union ideas and cant make a union yet then either tell me about it and il make it and make you a charter member or just wait til u can make it yourself (lvl 6)

Anyway, if i go against the BR union then il totally go for an uber games union for all the games that are so totally uber awesome!! (Crackdown, Two Worlds, Burmout Revenge, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, The Whole Resident Evil Series, and of course any Pac-Man / Mario Games!!!)

Also im totally feeling the 'Totally' vibes if you know what i mean. Ive just been saying totally so much more thatn often and i dont know why!

i also love exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and squigglies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hehe
