x3ni1992 / Member

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Dead Space and other things

SaturdayI had the delightful pleasure of purchasing Dead Space: Extraction, and I am astonished that this game isn't selling well. It's fun, and theres a few scare moments. People are always whining about the Wii's graphics, yet everytime I play this game I sometimes forget I'm playing on the Wii (maybe I just get into it and think it's a movie). The graphical power of this game...is astonishing. I didn't hit any framerate issues either. This is a must buy folks. Don't just skip it, I'd love to see Visceral make another game for the Wii (:

Other news, I pre-ordered Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (awhile ago actually, kinda upset its been delayed) and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I plan on pre-ordering Monster Hunter: tri-, Metroid: Other M and No More Heroes Desperate Struggle when I get he chance. If theres any news on pre-orders available, please tell me in the comments :D

Have a nice day (: