x3ni1992 / Member

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Heres a list of games I want announced, or shown off soon.

1. F-Zero. For the Wii or next console, 30+ multiplayer (with bots), intense race tracks, SPEED and some pretty graphics, and you got yourself the best damn racing game ever.

2. Star Fox. Yes I know that theres a rehash/remake coming out on the 3DS, but I mean a full fledged new game, I would love to control Fox with my Wii remote, if nintendo just got it right, the controls could be tight.

3. Battlefield 3. Yes it's been announced, yes theres a small tech demo of the Frostbite Engine 2.0, yes they announced that it will NOT play on Windows XP. BUT they haven't shown anything, and I'm craving for more Battlefield, sure Vietnam just came out, but I could use some new weapons, and vehicles/machinery (You never know it could turn out to be a sequel to Battlefield 2142).

4. Warcraft IV. I know, I know WoW is selling so much better then Warcraft III ever did, so why would they even bother? Because Starcraft II proved that they still have it in them, and I would love to have another RTS set in the Warcraft scene. **** WoW, work on Warcraft IV, please.

5. Mother 4. I understand that Mother 3 never made it across the water, and that Shigesato Itoi said that Mother 3 is possibly the last game in the Earthbound series. But come on, just about every game thats been showcased in Brawl, has spawned a new game. Kirby, Star Fox (though not really),Punch Out, Sin and Punishment, Golden Sun, Mario, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Excitebike, Donkey Kong, Pokemon and even Kid Icarus for gods sake (probably a few more I missed). Nintendo if you can make new games for all of those series, I think you can make a new Earthbound game. Unless, you guys are saving it for E3 *wink wink*

6. Pikmin 3. Well its sort of already been announced, but not a single detail has been said about it. No idea on the story, how many (if any) new Pikmin will be added, if Olimar will return. They say its on the Wii, but they could have changed it to the 3DS for all we know, maybe they'll show it THIS year at E3.

7. Star Wars: Battlefront III. Okay, this is a big game, with a lot of followers, its like a cult. If we don't get this game soon, Lucas Arts is going down. You see, you can't just let Free Radical Design lose their rights to Battlefront, when they were developing it for a couple years! Its just wrong. So stop making DS and PSP Battlefronts, I want a damn PC version to play and enjoy.

Well thats all my ranting...if thats what you'd consider ranting. Leave your opinions down below, and while you're at it, why don't you make a reply to this blog, with your own separate blog, telling all of Gamespot what games you want announced. Could turn into a wonderful chain of events, that could spawn over Gamespot. Thank you for your time everyone, hope you have a fantastic week! :)