x3ni1992 / Member

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Its been awhile.

Hello, hello.
Sorry for not updating my blogs and what not, been busy with photography and been pre-occupied with games.
I've been really get ting into PC gaming lately, so as you can believe I've been playing the hell out of some of those games, haha.
I also got Monster Hunter tri- all the way back when it first came out, and most recently i got my hands on Sin and Punishment 2, and the quite rare Muramasa: The Demon Blade.
I love all three of those games.
But for as PC gaming goes, I've been playing Borderlands, Bad Company 2, Team Fortress 2, and Plants vs. Zombies.
I can't believe how much time I've spent playing video games recently.
I have been getting out a lot though, for photography purposes. So all in all, my summers going pretty good.
So my question to everyone is, how has your summer been? and Who did you chose to win the "Greatest Villian of All Time"?

Have a good day everyone (:
PS: I'll keep my blog more up to date from now on :D
PSS: If you have steam and want to add me, add X3ni or IceDoesntHelp