Nintendo and the Hardcore Gamer
by x3ni1992 on Comments
originally posted March 4 2009: Hello my name is Richard, glad to see people reading my blog (: Today I'm writing about Nintendo and its hardcore gamer. Most hardcore gamers are expecting better from the Wii, graphic wise and game play wise. I have also noticed most hardcore gamers will usually go for Mature (and sometimes Teen) games and just dodge anything under Teen, which the Wii has a very small supply of Mature games (No More Heroes, Resident Evil 4, The Godfather, Manhunt 2 etc;). About the graphics, except for the upcoming game The Conduit, which I believe has Early to mid term Xbox 360 graphics, the graphics aren't doing so well in Nintendo's department, many call Wii's graphics Last generation. So that proves the Wii can handle good(ish) graphics, just the **** publishers aren't spending enough time on it. They put it together, don't put any time into it, and throw it on the shelves. The Conduit isn't doing that (as you can tell), and since Sega and High Voltage studios are using an engine only for the Wii, maybe we will see this engine in other games to come. But the hardcore games are on a desperate low right now, SSBB doesn't cut it right now, SMG isn't ever played, MP3 is sometimes played, No More Heroes is often played. In my opinion its mainly the programmers fault for not spending a good amount of time or money on the games, they think they can just throw it on the shelves and the money will come rolling to them, well it obviously worked. Since it worked, game developers are still doing the same thing, put it together from a bunch of recycled crap, spend no time on it, throw it on the shelves and sit in their chair at the desk waiting for the money. Nintendo's fault for not making the Wii powerful enough, I don't see why Nintendo couldn't just put a 5 GB hardrive in there. But games aren't just about graphics, I usually concentrate on the controls, level designs and gameplay, but when I notice the graphics for a game are gorgeous (espically on the Wii) I will live up to those expectations on the Wii. Examples of good graphics: Super Mario Galaxy (lives up to one of the Wiis (if not the best) most gorgeous games), Sonic Unleashed (considerably day), Metroid Prime 3 (when it first came out it was absolutely gorgeous), The Conduit. Examples of moderate to bad graphics: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (seems like a simple update from Melee), Twilight Princess (I belive its just GameCube graphics), Radiant Dawn (The cutscenes are gorgeous, but not so much the same with the Gameplay). Everyone's opinions are accepted (: Richard