@deathblow3 @xChi3FtheB34sTx Absolutely. Most of these kids are getting free rides at good schools, and some go on to make millions in the NFL. I don't understand why some of these players feel like they deserve compensation in everything they do.
@draken2533 @xChi3FtheB34sTx Can't disagree with you there! I just wanted to make sure people understood it wasn't an EA problem and that it is an NCAA problem.
To all those thinking this is an opportunity for someone else to get the game rights, you are mistaken. NCAA is pulling out due to lawsuits from former players claiming they owe money due to allowing their likeness in the game. They don't want more lawsuits, therefore, no more games.
To be honest, I was disapointed with this mornings Nintendo Direct. I was expecting an open world Mario, a somewhat innovative Mario Kart, and hell, maybe even the return of Metroid or Kid Icarus or Star Fox. Instead all we got was rehash from past Wii and 3DS games. I'm glad Nintendo finally has a strong lineup for WiiU, but this Nintendo Direct left me wanting more.
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