Ok so lately i've been thinking of selling my Wii. Reasons?
1. Crappy games that can be completed in like 4/5 hours.
2. Im bored of MKWii, Brawl and AC:CF was the biggest waste of money ever!
3. Some games controls are just so bad. In my opinion, Red Steel has the worst motion sensing controls.
4. The Online is too laggy. Brawl is the only game i want to play online, and it feels like all i can do in the extreme lag is fall off the stage.
5. The lineup doesn't look too good. All i see are Gamecube games being ported over with crappy Wii controls, so Nintendo can make a quick couple of bucks.
Anyway, I checked the prices for my games over the phone with GameStop and i had over 350 euro worth of crappy Wii games on my shelf just waiting to get me great PS3 games and a PSP 3000. So that's what im going to do. Sell my Wii for a PSP and a couple PS3 games.:)
Post your opinions on my decision below. Just dont spam crap about me being a Playstation fanboy are two worded posts like 'Wii Rox'.
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