Yes they do need to start getting more dedicated AAA software on the Vita. What I mean by that is, to get either exclusive first party games or AAA multiplatform games onto the system. Not just a gutted experience like a top down Grand Theft Auto, or that side scrolling Arkham game, but a fully functioning port. I know that obviously graphics, frame rate and certain features would be sacrificed (e.g. Borderlands 2 multiplayer cut from 4 players to 2 players etc.). I would be more than happy with that. The Vita has slowly gone from a "AAA platform in your pocket" to an indie machine. I'll be brutally honest. I couldn't give two shits about indie games. At best they're "unique" and that's about all they've got going for them. I purchased the Vita because it was going to be the portable to end all portables. While it's definitely a case of proof of concept, I want to see Sony exert more effort to get the local compute AAA business going. I'm now on my fourth Vita. My first three got sold due to a drought in software. I just purchased the newly released PS Vita Slim that came with Borderlands 2. While not a perfect port, its damn impressive how much they've gotten into this version. It's games like this that give me hope that Sony will turn this into the little handheld that could.
Again I call BS on the comparison of the next gen version. I have compared Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, and Call of Duty: Ghosts. The only one you can actually see a difference on is Ghosts. Granted they're saying the differences are slight but in my experience ACIV, it actually runs and looks better than the PS4. I have pored over these games for hours to find the differences. Performance is generally smoother on the Xbox One. Consistent framerate drops on the PS4 version of Ghosts, and intermittent drops on the other two games.
I call major BS on the comments about the Xbox One version. I have scrutinized both versions of Battlefield 4 on both next gen consoles and they are identical. The only difference I've seen is relating to multiplayer regarding game connectivity. I haven't had any issues with the Xbox One version of the game. The PS4 version might as well be a drink coaster because its constantly dropping back to the dashboard in the middle of the match or taking forever to get into a match just to boot me back to the main menu of the game. Ridiculous.
Not at all and I don't find myself to be that kind of person either. I appreciate your thoughtful input rather than the alternative single minded responses usually seen on these comment boards.
I'm not speaking conspiracy theories, it just bothers me that people are naive enough to think that this isn't already happening. Facebook and Twitter are the two worst culprits, but millions of people use them every day and could care less.
Oh and it's not tinfoil, it's a stainless steel spaghetti strainer ;)
How many here had no idea what the NSA was until they started drinking the Kool-Aid that the media has been providing? Ignorance spreads like wildfire and the only "ignorant" people commenting here are the ones that think that their privacy is safe to begin with. The government is tapping your texts, phone calls, Internet history, purchases you make with your credit card, and don't think for a minute that just because Sony hasn't said that they're doing these things; that they aren't. Face facts people, if you're tied into a server in any way whatsoever; anybody with the authority to look into your personal life is already doing it.
I love how everyone here is poking jabs about fanboyism. PC elitists are fanboys, Xbox gamers are fanboys, Playstation gamers are fanboys. Seriously, everybody here is a hypocrite.
@northArrow @xDARKGUITARISTx Exactly, out where I live the company I work for and the phone company are the only competitors. There aren't 4 cable companies, along with Google Fiber etc. So you have the right idea.
The thing that pisses me off the most is how they think that the "future" is now. I work in the telecommunications industry (for one of the better companies as far as internet speed and reliability is concerned), and I know the struggles we have to keep things running smoothly. Think about people that live out in the sticks that are stuck with DSL, which is the 2013 equivalent to dial up. There is no chance in hell that the phone company's infrastructure can handle the load for Xbox's, Playstation's, Computers, Tablets and Phones if they were constantly connected and pinging to the server. Not to mention if you are anything like me and prefer an amazing single player experience over say; online multiplayer, then why should I need to be connected to the internet for that? Peter Molyneux pisses me off about as much as Cliff Blezinski with their arrogant and one sided views...
xDARKGUITARISTx's comments