@iluvOP The system can barely handle Skyrim or Call of Duty maps most of the time. Starting out small is probably just a prototype anyway. They will obviously develop it due to it's popularity.
@Pedro_Fayad The objection is to do whatever your heart desires, which is a pretty good objective. Basically, you start with nothing and have to construct to survive in a sense. It's basically like setting up your own village or whatever and you have to hunt for materials while defending yourself (and your creations) from monsters. You wouldn't really understand the appeal until you actually play Minecraft and become addicted like everyone else. ;)
@Berothar To be fair, on the Xbox version there is a lot of boundaries.. The maps are not that big at all.. You can circulate around the whole map before the sunsets and once you start to run out of materials there's nothing left to do but take advantage of the lack of patches. Plus, the achievements allow little to nothing to be done either as you could complete them all within an hour.. True that it is the best on the XBLA market but to be honest, it's out of a bad bunch. Heh. The PC version just holds too much in comparison but I'm sure they'll change that all soon!
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