Education should be the first thing on your mind without education you wouldn't be able to afford your ps3. Do good in school its worth it and remember your parents will not always be there so its your responsibility. Once you do good in education you'll be able to buy a playstation 7 then if u get good paying job like 50,000 a week then u can buy video games.
ok so 360 E3 came out or watever showed some games and they already said they won knowing that sony e3 hasn't came out yet sony can pull anything out there sleeves to takeover.
DMC4, FF13, MGS, Kick them when they are down huh MS. Who should Replace sony as the third console maker? Apple ? iBoxstation anyone? how about the return of sega? dreamcast2Packagez
who told you that lie? Sony still tops microsoft when it comes to graphics
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