Boy was that a crazy day. First I drove my new car in town for a while cause I haven't driven for a long time (sad long story don't ask). Than I went to a bowling center and played like mad and there wouldn't be anything special about it if it weren't my very first time playing that game (don't mean a computer or video game, but real bowling with a real bowling ball). After playing at least 2 hours I drove to a restaurant had a pizza, back home and than again to the bowling center where actually was a party going on.
Now I'm so exhausted that I can barely walk not to mention typing this blog post :roll::D
Anyway it was fun, but it could be way better...
I also got the Tolkien's Token live feed emblem for watching the marathon :)
One broadcast to rule them all.
For watching the Lord of the Rings Online live marathon with Kevin VanOrd.