@Attvck01 I've completely stopped buying EA Games. They always feel horribly rushed and unfinished anyways. And they're theories on Microtransactions makes me want to scream. I won't touch another EA game until they pull their head out of their Electronic Arse.
@abHS4L88 They don't nickel and dime their consumers? Have you seen the amount of peripherals Nintendo puts out for people to consume? Or the fact that when it comes to other companies, Nintendo releases the most consoles over such a short period of time. I mean come on, how many DS's have been released in the past 5 years? They're worse than apple when it comes to making something "Slightly bigger, hardly different" that people jump on. The only reason Nintendo has done so well, is that the Wii is the only console out of all 3 big companies that is this most family friendly. So in turn, families jump on it (but never play them) I don't know how many unused Wii's I've seen at peoples houses.
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