Believing in Jesus alone will not get you into Heaven. You have to accept Him too.
I'm not the most religious guy in the world. I don't go to Church on a regular basis, however I do pray every night, I treat people with respect, and I actually do try to be a good person to people.
Will this help me get into Heaven? No one knows but Him.
The best way in my opinoin is to be who you are, live your life the way you want to live it, trat people with respect, and go to Church and pray. That is in my opinoin the best way.
*Also, on the note of the babies who die young, they are with the Lord now. My mom had a miscarrage at the begining of the year, and it has affected all of us. I'm starting to pray daily for that miscarried baby, in hope that I will see him/her when I die*
God Bless
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