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my thoughts on Edge winning the WWE Chamiponship

ok, on 7/03/06 editiion of Monday Night Raw, in a Triple Threat Match involving Edge, Rob Van Dam and John Cena, Edge was able to bring the WWE Championship back to WWE for the first time since ECW’s RVD won it in June at ECW One Night Stand. At First, it was anyones match, untill the ending of the Triple Threat Match, Cena hit RVD with the FU, knocking him down for the count. Just as Cena went for the pin, Edge nailed Cena with the Championship belt and covered Van Dam for the three count. I am very happy that edge is the new champion, becuase the WWE champion is back where it belongs, in WWE, not ECW. My reason for the mathc change, was that RVD was found with drugs and marajuna in a car he was driving, and so he might end up in jail. and they couldnt have a champion not wrestle, and John Cena had a 10 month reigin, followed by a 2 month regin.Edge only had it for 1 month. I hope he can hold onto it for a longer time period. Also, i have an Edge icon too, so boo ya