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xSpitFire3x Blog

Some Time

So it's obvious that I've been MIA in the gaming world recently. Finishing High school, family dilemmas, and personal obstacles kept me from fulfilling the life of a gamer. But to cut the dramatics, I can at least smile and say I'm ready to get my hands wrapped around a controller and spend my precious summer hours on something compelling, flashy, smart, and if I'm lucky cheap.
Lost Odyssey seems to be the big time-sucking winner for the next week or two. I rented the sucker and already threw in 9 hours. I have to say, the story is pretty bad ass and the throw back to old school RPG mechanics is fully embraced since I've been having nostalgic moments ever since I picked up Final Fantasy Crisis Corse for the PSP and have been yearning for that old FF7 feel. Both LO and FFCC are feeding the addiction so I can't complain. Beyond the gaming, I'm aiming for some visual pieces to throw up in one of these blogs or maybe in a community. Or not... Unsure of what I'll do till I finish a piece and determine how craptastic it turns out to be.
Time to bite my tongue and end the blog in contrast with when I eagerly began it. Peace out my fellow gamers!

My Online Gaming

Lately I've been falling back into my Online Gaming phase since it's kept me sane most of the school year thus far. Mainly I'm just playing Guild Wars (factions/nightfall) and Dead or Alive 4 on Xbox live. I'm still waiting for the good games to come out again since I bought Bioshock. It's a really fun game but it's still not something I'm gonna drool over and call an all time favorite even though it's still pretty amazing. Till then I guess it's the long story line of online gaming whiling casting spells to my iTunes library in the background. Oh and Photoshopping, thinking of changing my profile layout again, this one's gotten pretty old already.

Dead Or Alive Madness

For the past week I've been going crazy playing Dead or Alive 4 online and I don't see an end in sight any time soon. I'm currently a B+ but I was an A for a day or two before I started upping the challenge and fighting S and SS's. Anyone interested in playing a few rounds of DOA4 online then leave me a comment with your gamer tag and I'll add ya.
My gamer tag is xspitfire3x Hopefully there are More DOA fanatics like me!

Summer Of Gaming

So My 11th grade school year has finally come to an end and like I predicted, it went by much faster than I anticipated. But this only means one thing, I’m coming back into gaming. Now I have the time to waste again and finally beat the long over due Final Fantasy XII and get the hardcore and insane achievements for Gears of War. Plus I know there are a ton of people I need to kick ass at with Dead or Alive 4 online! Sides that I’m gonna grow old on my couch watching movies and fiddling with the 360 controller and keyboard, with the occasional bathroom break and ingestion of food. Thanks god it’s summer, and screw getting a job I got achievements to unlock!

Tis The Hour of My Gaming Discontent

School has been engrossing my entire life. I'm sorry I've laid down the controller and it will rest solemnly alone ontop of my xbox until i find time to revive it with my defibulating thumbs. Until then, peace guys. I'll be here checking out the blogs but not much else.

Back to school and Gaming

Well the winter break is over and i couldn't be more sad about it. I wish it was prolonged just a little longer, it went by far to fast this time. With my 360, it was easy to lose track of time and suddenly the sun rose and i was getting a ride back to school. I'm an Officer Now! In my online gaming news, I've recently become an active officer of this great union that discusses and partakes in everything Gears of War. It's an active union with some really cool people already and the leader is easy to get along with and active which is a big plus. We are setting up a Tournament and Banner contest sometime soon and hopefully things turn out good.
Take a Look for Yourself!
 My Personal Gaming Expeditions Lately i've been so involved with Tomb Raider Legend with it consuming all my time getting all 1000 achievement points. Over 700 already and I know i won't stop till i get them all. My friend and I are having our own little contest on who can get the highest amount of points. They've had the 360 over a year and I just go mine for christmas, not even a month already and I'm closing in on my friends 2700 score with way fewer games than them! My other game I'm striving to get alot of points for is Gears of War. Dead Rising will be my final attempt as I've seen how long that takes to get anything done, but it's an extremely satisfying game! Comming Weekend Apart from gaming life is good, family is good, girlfriend is great, and i have a 3 day weekend comming up! I plan to spend a day doing home work and the rest going out to the movies and hanging out like i always do, but there is never a dull moment when I'm hanging out with my friends. Somehow i need to pull up my grades a little for this 3rd nine weeks with only 5 more months of school left (Dreadfully long now but it will pass faster than it looks). I'll probably spend an obscene amount of money on more clothes, obsessed with shorts right now and random graphic t-shirts. But I'm just looking forward to the needed long weekend. Peace

A great B-day

Yestarday was my Birthday and it turned out really great. Early in the morning i was suprised with Rainbow Six: Vega for the 360 and some money as gifts. I got to make pancakes, like a once in a lifetime thing for me and they came out awsome! Sister got me some shorts i really wanted, they are great and fit with my style. My cell phone wouldn't stop ringing with happy birthday wishes from my good friends, having a small getogether with em to celebrate but nothing big, not a fan of those huge parties. I beat another act of Gears of War on Insane, damn that difficulty makes my hair grey, with my friend chris via xbox live co-op. I can't get over the fact that i have a 30 and xbox live, i never thought id see the day where i'd be doing online console gaming. I had great cuban food for dinner with my family and got to cut a cake. It was really nice and fun and has me looking forward to seeing my friends on friday.

Happy New Years and Update on Christmas Experience

First off Happy New Years! This christmas has been phenominal with me getting one major gift, the 360! I got a bunch of games some i expected, others i totally didn't, and everything is just amazing. One nice side note was the whole christmas experience which was focused around my 1 year old nephew this time (finally not making me the child of the bunch for once and centering it around his first christmas ever, he got a hell of a slot of gifts). So everyone knows, I thought the idea of Achievment points was sad and stupid, now I've been ultimately consumed by them... Gears of Wars is definitely the main game in my hands at the momment. I've been completely obsessed trying to get all the achievement points and beating the all the difficulties to then tackle the online feats that i know will be a pain in my ass against the major elites out there. So far I've been the game on Casual and Hardcore with Insane half way done (I'm working on that one backwards, General Raam on Insane took me an hour of retries and multiple co-op strategies...) It is by far the most eye orgasmic game i've ever seen and played. Dead or Alive 4, My baby of the hand full of games i have is in second place but probably has had more play time soley for the everyday get togethers i have had with my friends playing against them. (Basically i whoop their ass for 3-5 hours with insane combos and unbelievely timed counters) It is my favorite fighting game to date and I'm totally in love with it and have unlocked all characters, almost done with all costumes, and am a B+ online, almost at an A- (obsessed i know) Need for Speed: Most Wanted Has been my recreation game at night just occasionally playing just to beat it for the 3rd time (Once on ps2 and once on PC)So far I've beat 5 of the 15 on the blacklist. The achievements are easy to get so I'll definintely play this to get the full 1000 points. Just need to beat the game and i get em all. Dead Rising has been on my tv just waiting to really be playing, it's an extremely fun game but damn it the Subtitles are ridiculously small for normal tv's. I need to get a HD damn it! I'm only 17 with a **** job, but maybe i get a a simple small one for my room by mid way this year to really make this 360 a full experience. I'll be playing this one later in the year. Prey I got today, it's unopened but i've heard good things. My aunt got it for my birthday, Jan 3rd, early and I'm just holding out to play it later so i can beat Gears of War, so close to getting everything. Those are my main games right now. OH, and one more thing, for my Birthday i got another present early, an 80 Gig iPod Video since my old school big bulky one broke after 2 years, not a bad span if u ask me compared to some of my friends who go through them every 6 months or yearly. This year has been To good and Now it is comming to an end... Happy New Years!

I'm Getting A Xbox360!

Today was somehow shaped into my "rush around and buy christmas gifts" day when i realized i hadn't bought anything but a DVD of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby for my dad. My sister and I drove around everywhere picking up little things, my sister got me two pairs of these kick ass cargo shorts from the gap, love Camo and Green shorts. I got my mom some Chanel 5 Perfume, she's been ripping me apart about that damn things for days now. My sister...still a work in progress. Then there was this whole dilemma on getting my best friends one and only request, a DVD called "Don't Tell her It's Me"... Or so it used to be called. Yeah, apperantly when it mades it's inevitable transition to DVD like every other old 80's movie the name suddenly changed. For two weeks i searched for a movie under that name to find out it is now called "The Boyfriend School" (quite frankly i prefer the prior name). But anyways that was all an introduction to the the big part of my day. While at Sunset Place Mall thinking of my significant others, family/friends, i get this phone call from my mom. In the most conforming voice possible she asks me what games i wanted for the xbox 360...(Mind you i didn't know i was getting a 360 yet). I practically wripped my lips apart with my cheeks surpassing my eyes. I've been dying to get my hands on a 360 for the longest time now. So not only am i getting a 360 but apperantly I'm getting atleast 5 games off the bat. How do i know this, Well she asked for three games at first, but then my mom calls back asking for 2 more. From there she asked for 3 more i possibly would like, which is like "other people might get em, might not" kinda language. I'm so freaking excited for christmas! I've been going to my friends house for DOA 4 gatherings for the longest time now! I'll finally have it for my own!!! Games I'm 99.9% sure I'm getting Dead Or Alive 4 Gears of War Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Las Vegas Burnout Revenge Dead Rising Need For Speed Most Wanted *Bundled with 360* Only one more week to go! Crap i need to wrap up my own shopping now! Mainly need a ton of gifts for friends.
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