Happy New Years and Update on Christmas Experience
by xSpitFire3x on Comments
First off Happy New Years! This christmas has been phenominal with me getting one major gift, the 360! I got a bunch of games some i expected, others i totally didn't, and everything is just amazing. One nice side note was the whole christmas experience which was focused around my 1 year old nephew this time (finally not making me the child of the bunch for once and centering it around his first christmas ever, he got a hell of a slot of gifts). So everyone knows, I thought the idea of Achievment points was sad and stupid, now I've been ultimately consumed by them... Gears of Wars is definitely the main game in my hands at the momment. I've been completely obsessed trying to get all the achievement points and beating the all the difficulties to then tackle the online feats that i know will be a pain in my ass against the major elites out there. So far I've been the game on Casual and Hardcore with Insane half way done (I'm working on that one backwards, General Raam on Insane took me an hour of retries and multiple co-op strategies...) It is by far the most eye orgasmic game i've ever seen and played. Dead or Alive 4, My baby of the hand full of games i have is in second place but probably has had more play time soley for the everyday get togethers i have had with my friends playing against them. (Basically i whoop their ass for 3-5 hours with insane combos and unbelievely timed counters) It is my favorite fighting game to date and I'm totally in love with it and have unlocked all characters, almost done with all costumes, and am a B+ online, almost at an A- (obsessed i know) Need for Speed: Most Wanted Has been my recreation game at night just occasionally playing just to beat it for the 3rd time (Once on ps2 and once on PC)So far I've beat 5 of the 15 on the blacklist. The achievements are easy to get so I'll definintely play this to get the full 1000 points. Just need to beat the game and i get em all. Dead Rising has been on my tv just waiting to really be playing, it's an extremely fun game but damn it the Subtitles are ridiculously small for normal tv's. I need to get a HD damn it! I'm only 17 with a **** job, but maybe i get a a simple small one for my room by mid way this year to really make this 360 a full experience. I'll be playing this one later in the year. Prey I got today, it's unopened but i've heard good things. My aunt got it for my birthday, Jan 3rd, early and I'm just holding out to play it later so i can beat Gears of War, so close to getting everything. Those are my main games right now. OH, and one more thing, for my Birthday i got another present early, an 80 Gig iPod Video since my old school big bulky one broke after 2 years, not a bad span if u ask me compared to some of my friends who go through them every 6 months or yearly. This year has been To good and Now it is comming to an end... Happy New Years!