So it's obvious that I've been MIA in the gaming world recently. Finishing High school, family dilemmas, and personal obstacles kept me from fulfilling the life of a gamer. But to cut the dramatics, I can at least smile and say I'm ready to get my hands wrapped around a controller and spend my precious summer hours on something compelling, flashy, smart, and if I'm lucky cheap.
Lost Odyssey seems to be the big time-sucking winner for the next week or two. I rented the sucker and already threw in 9 hours. I have to say, the story is pretty bad ass and the throw back to old school RPG mechanics is fully embraced since I've been having nostalgic moments ever since I picked up Final Fantasy Crisis Corse for the PSP and have been yearning for that old FF7 feel. Both LO and FFCC are feeding the addiction so I can't complain. Beyond the gaming, I'm aiming for some visual pieces to throw up in one of these blogs or maybe in a community. Or not... Unsure of what I'll do till I finish a piece and determine how craptastic it turns out to be.
Time to bite my tongue and end the blog in contrast with when I eagerly began it. Peace out my fellow gamers!
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