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xTrufflesToYoux Blog

Omg, too long, lots to talk about, hii :) haha, 2009!

Couldn't think if a title, haa.

BUT, in other words,
Hope you celebrated well, and safely :)
And also hope you had a great Christmas & got all that you wanted.
If you want, tell me the main gift u want and recieved :D

Soo.. old news but, I saw Twilight!! Who else has seen it. Ahhh best movie, too cute, just amazing!
The site has a new layout AGAIN! I dunno how long it has been like this though cos I havnt been on in forever! 3 months maybe? So can someone tell me how long? I suppose its better than the old new layout, aha thats funni to type. Which btw, is the whole reason I never come on anymoree! I absoloutly hated that layout, it chaned the whole atmosphere and mood on here. Blechh. I miss the old days :( 2007-early 08 was the best! :(

Also, I used to get like 50 comments on each blog, now its gone down to like 3.
Is there any point in actually taking time out to come on here and write this? Atlease I know 3 people like me :)

Atm, I am in the middle of my Mock Exams. Goshh I am so scared. They last for 2 weeks :( But I am trying really hard, so I really hope I do well.

Okey well thats it.
Comment, if you like me.
But I know no one will comment cos no one likes me :(

Coffee Is Addictive!! :D

Hehee, I had one just before my last lesson in school, and ahh, it makes me so hyper, I LOVEE coffee, hehe, i'm still buzzing now, muahaha!!

EMA's are on tonight!!
(Europe Music Awards)
on MTV.
and Katy Perry is presenting x]
gotta love that girl!! hehehe.
should be good. :)

Okiee, so i guess bibi heheee.


I'm Still Here :) [[READ]]

Heyy guyss.
I'm still alive,
nothing bad has happened,
its just school is taking over my life.
its been like over 2 months since i last signed in,
some of which is due to lazieness lmao.
but just so you know, if anyone has a youtube,
add me, my name is "iTruffle"
i go on that more than
ooh, which reminds me,
i absoloutly HATE this site now.
hate to say it, but its done.
I HATE the set out, its boring blah blah blahh.
i'll be amazed if someone actually reads and comments this blog.
cos if it were me, i wouldn't lol.

Soo ii wanna know, how are all you guyss?
and i know this is a bit late but did anyone see HSM3? :D
or any other good films, hehe.

Andd tonight is BOMBFIRE NIGHTT!

Okey, so i'm gonna head off noww.
hopefully speal to yaa soon, byees.

WoAhH nEw TV.COM/2 WeEkS?/ Tv x]


Wow, okiee this is creepy.
I signed on and everything is different.
Its gonna have to take some getting used to, lol.

I can't belieevveee I havn't been on in over 2 weeks x]
Thats like a record for me, hehe.
I've been soo busy with school, and socialising lol.
Woww.. were nearly in October, can't believe it.

W00P, its been a great weekend for tv x]
Firday there was
CAMP ROCK!, finally!! hehe i loved it
Suite Life On Deck, well it was okiee but not amazing.
Ugly Betty, welll amazing as usual how can u not love it.
iCarly Saves Tv, was a little dissapoined not the best.
X Factor, woop lovess it.
Strictly Come, heheheee twas boring cos it was the boys, BRING ON THE GIRLS!

I can't wait for Americas Next Top Model and Dancing With The Stars (cody linley!!) x]
Oh and has anyone seen that show lipstick jungle? is it worth watching?

My phone has a crack in the screen :(
I have to wait till Christmas to get a new one, erghh agony! lol. Plus the bluetooth has stopped working, im so upset :(

Oh and I can't stop saying, I LOVE FRED! He's just so funny. "Heyy its Fred!!" in his annoying voice lol, ahhh it cracks me up.

Today was such a lovely day (weather) x]
Went to the park with friends.. good timesss :)

Soo this new layout, its weird but I like how on your profile you can search for a member of That makes it so much easier!
Anyone wanna tell me some good parts of it? Any cool features?

Okiieee well gonna goo.
Can't say when I will be on next, cos i frankly dunno.


School/Tv/Mehhh x]

soo obvs i've not been on lately cos I have gone back to school.
i went back on tuesday, and wow i am just so so happy it is friday!
my last year of school and gawsh i can just tell its going to be a nightmare.
all it is, is, WORK, EXAMS, WORK, EXAMS, WORK, EXAMS..
I think you get my point :(
Uchh i'm just gonna have to work extra hard.
I HATE my ICT teacher, she just loves to humiliate me, i wasn't even in the lesson for 10 minutes and already she sniped at me! I swear she actually stresses me out!
FISHY FAT HEAD KESLER! erghh, thats what i call her.
I also am not so fond of my form tutor! She never ever talks to me, has favorites and i had her as a teacher for like two years and she never even knew i existed last year so thats why i thought it was gonna be a nightmare having her as my form teacher this year. but mehh shes okey, i suppose she will do. And atleast I know she knows my name cos she has to call it out in the register. But if she was having a conversation with me (which would probably never happen) she probz wouldn't even know my name. SPAZ HEAD!
Sorry, i'm just letting all my feelings out, you don't even have to read this lame blog.

Well.. on the plus side, I am really liking my food tech lesson, thats about the only subject I do well in. My grades are surprisingly good, and I also kinda like Science, but theres just a lot of work! Speaking of work I've got soo much homework. I'm so happy I have 5 free lessons a week, so I can do my homework in them. I've did my maths in one today (ohh yeah I like maths too aswell, seeing as the teacher is nice to me) lol. Yeh so I did my maths, and now i've still got Food Tech, French and English to do. My english is an essay and have just under 2 weeks to do it, mehh i will try my best, better start this weekend.

FRENCH! Omg, soo our teacher last year didnt tell anyone she was retiring so screw her! We got a new one this year who is new to the school, he is actually from France which is good, is English is really good for a french person, and his vocab too. His pronnounciations are a bit off but its well funny. Also, he looks young, im guessing around 25 and hes new and everything so he doesnt know a lot but he started saying like the word pissed in the lesson, hehe it was well great! I hve a good feeling about French this year lol. Specially with him. It should be amusing, plus he seems like a good teacher.

Okeyy, enuf about school, MOVING ON!

TV, wooh.
Soo... i watched the first episode of the new season of Desperate Housewives. I've never seen it before and its on like the 4th season lmao. I was a tiny bit lost but it seems like a really good show. I'm gonna continue watching it. Anyone else watch it?
Hmm ermm, friday whats on? Okiee;; Disney Channel Games Final, Big Brother Final, FNMTV, and finally Ugly Betty has returned to British TV!! Its actually about time. Maybe like 9 months, and I have no idea whyy?! Soo its continuing like half way through season 2, so that should be great luvv it its so funny. Is season 2 finished in America yet?
What I would like to watch.. when it comes to British TV;;
Secret Life Of The American Teenager
Greek Season 2
Gossip Girl Season 2
Big Bang Theory Season 2
90210 Spin off
but I have no idea when they are gonna start here.
Hopefully soon.

Okiee well sorry if this blog was half depressing, hope i didn't bring your moods down. Have an awesome weekend everyone, speak like next week, probably friday again. Bye.

Back From London!!!

Hey guys. I'm backk :)
London was really amazing.
I arrived home Monday night.
The best place I visited was Madame Toussauds!
Wow, omgaswh those wax figures look soo unbelievably real!
And its amazing how many there are.
I got tons of pictures :)
I will try to show you some but if not, sorry.
You know the Diary Room in Big Brother. Well they have a replicate one there, its so amazing. And you are being video'd so while you are in the room, everyone can see you, its so embarassing lmao! But it was so fun!
Also, ahh Miley Cyrus, hers was so cool! Got a pic wiv herr :)
Speaking of Miley, she is on GMTV tomorrow morning. Its a morning breakfast show with entertainment, you know, the usual lol. But its still so cool Miley is on it! :D
Omg, my feet were killing me the whole trip, lmao. You wouldn't believe how much we did in 3 days.
You know the London Dungeons? We queued for 3 hours! I wouldn't say it was worth all the lineing up, cos it wasn't amazing. It was good though. I was more scared at Madame Toussauds! They have this scream horror bit where you are in darkness and creepy people sneak out and shock and scare you. Its soo funny! It took about 2 hours to get into that, but it was SOO worth it! I defo reccomend it :)
Through that whole trip, I really got into drinking coffee, lmao. I love latte's. Mmm, yummy. :P

Before I left for London I saw the movie Wild Child for my friends birthday. It has Emma Roberts in it, the girl from Unfabulous. Wow, she has grown up so much! The opening line was "sh*t", said by her, how weird to hear her say that lol. Anyways, it was soo good! :)


I have been reading my Twilight book and am seriously loving it! I'm usually into girly teen books but I dunno, maybe my taste is changing as I am getting older, lol. I'm not too far into the book but I can tell I am gonna like it :)


While I was in London I watched the beginning of a movie called Rent. Its a musical, the 2005 version. From what I watched, its really good. The songs are so catchy! Anyone seen it?


Today, I went shopping and bought a really cute top. And sadly I am going back to school soon, so I had to buy some uniform for that and some stationary. I got so much of it, lol. I love it, yeah - pens excite me! And flexible rulers! lmao.
I am going into the last year of High School :( I am so scared. Its year 11 for me, which is 10th grade for America. I have really important exams (GCSE's). Dunno if any of you have heard of them. But I am so extremely scared I could puke myself! :(
I go back to school September 2nd. When do you?
Where has this summer gone? I'm so upset. Atleast I have done something to remember it by :)


Also today, I bought Colbie Caillat's cd Coco. Its so relaxing which I love! The songs are catchy and I have only owned it for a few hours and have already played the whole cd once and am currently listening to it a 2nd time as I am typing. I love the song The Little Things, Realize, One Fine Wire and of course Bubbly! But all of the songs are growing on me :) Can't wait to listen to it more. Her voice is amazing, so calming. I also love the fact that the packaging is made out of cardboard and not plastic. Way to save the environment! :) Go Colbie! Wooh, hehe.


That must be the most detailed blog I have ever written, without pausing and thinking what to say. It was a great blog to write, lol. Partly because I am listening to relaxing music lol.
If you just read all of that, thanks so much, ure so nice, hehe.


Speak Soon,


Omg, have any of you guys ever watched the youtube "Fred". If you havn't search it and watch it now, if you have, how funny! But I have to admit his "voice" is so fvcking annoying! Its still hilarious though. His channel has had more views then Miley, and The Jonas Brothers.

My Gossip Girl Dvd boxset arrives tomorrow! I am actually so ecstatic! I was so upset when series 1 ended. Seriously, I would have with drawel symptoms if I didn't get it on dvd! I love it SOO much! Its crazy, lol.
Anyone else like it?

I finally finished my school reading book! Now I can start Twilight! Woop, I'm looking forward to it. I'll start tonight :]

I'm not gonna blog again untill next week.
My parents have gone away (to London) lol, but for a wedding. They left today and won't be back till Tuesday. So I am staying at friends houses till then, and I will go somewhere on Wednesday and on Thursday it is my friends Birthday, so we are going to see that film "Wild Child". Looks good :]

And then on Fridayy.. I leave for London!!
Woop, I'm so excited, only 5 dayss!! :]

So.. If I don't speak to you before then,
have a great weekend everyone!

Now I'm Speechless, Over The Edge I'm Just Breathless;;JOEE!!

I never thought that I'd get this, Lovebug againn.
Ahh Lovebug by Jonas Brothers of course!
Taken from their new album.
My other favorite songs from it are:
Video Girl, Sorry and A Little Bit Longer.
Speaking Of Jonas...


Mmm.. how can you not love THAT! heheheheee :P

Okey, So I am on page 27 of 'A Kestrel For A Knave' and read 17 pages last night, I desperately want to finish it so I can start Twilight. This means I am gonna have to read it like everydayy which I find the book boring but its the only way. And it is for school so I have to read it. Blechh.

Remember yesterday, when I bought Twilight. Well when I was at the counter buying it, I heard a cough so I turned around and it was ADAM! haha. I dunno if you remember him. He has an account called adamg411 but he never goes on it lol. Well anyways back to the story, as I don't see him enough! haha. And out of all the places, he was there! Lmao. I found it kinda funny and when I saw him I was like OMG, hii. lol. I swear, you can't split us two up lmao.

Soo.. I was on the phone to him yesterday and he has invited me to go to London with him!! Ahh I can't wait. At first I didn't know if my parents would say yes, but my dad found like a really good rate and stuff and has booked everything already!
I leave next Friday! Its only for 3 days but still :D

Woop woop. Lets DANCE!


Yay yay yay yay yayyy.

Hehehehehe. Woop, random title or what?
I dunno why but i'm really happy.
Makes a change :P

I saw Mamma Mia yesterday! Wow, what an incredible film! Meryl Streep did a great job! :) I'm definitely gonna buy that when it comes to dvd.
And also, today I bought the book Twilight!! Yay, I can't wait to read it, looks so good. But I can't start it untill I have finished A Kestrel For A Knave (the school summer reading book). Gosh at this rate I'm never gonna start Twilight :(

Anywayss so enough about me, tell me about you.
What is the most exciting thing you have done this summer?

SUPER blog.

So how r you guys?
Enjoying your summer?
Hope soo :D

I've seen 3 movies lately.
1 in the cinema and 2 not.
I have seen Picture This w/ Ashley Tisdale, and it was surprisingly good.
Superhero! Movie w/ Drake Bell.. super hilarious!
Angus Thongs And Perfect Snogging in the cinema.
It was really good! :)
Anyone seen any of those films?
Oh and in a coulple of days I am going to see Mamma Mia.
I'm uberr excited.

I have to read the most boringest book!!
Its called A Kestrel For A Knave which is about
this boy who finds a bird and befriends it.
But its like so boring, and I have only read 8 pages.
I should really start reading more.
I really wanna get the book Twilight.
It sounds so good! :)

So.. has anyone been watching the Olypmpics?
I don't like them that much but I like the swmming/diving.
Tis interesting. lol.
How weird is this?
There is a contestant called Hannah Miley, lol.
Mehh, might not be wierd to you but yehh whatevv.

Soo..I am officially addicted to boybands at the moment.
I LOVE the Jonas Brothers as you knoww.
Oh and I just saw the video for Burning Up on British Tv.
I can't believe it, I was so happyy. Joe's Mustache lmao.
and I love 3 other British bands which I know you have heard of one, Scouting For Girls.
Cos I mentioned them in my other blog.
They are just soo incredibly amazing.
Okey, you may have heard of Mcfly.
Love them so much, and am seeing them in November, its gonna be immense!
And also in November I am seeing a band called Elliot Minor.
They're sort of c.lassical rock. Cos they have been trianed to sing c.lassicly but they add
a rock twist to their music. So can't wait to see them!! :D

Well.. dunno what else to say.
I'm super boredd.
Have a great week.

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