soo obvs i've not been on lately cos I have gone back to school.
i went back on tuesday, and wow i am just so so happy it is friday!
my last year of school and gawsh i can just tell its going to be a nightmare.
all it is, is, WORK, EXAMS, WORK, EXAMS, WORK, EXAMS..
I think you get my point :(
Uchh i'm just gonna have to work extra hard.
I HATE my ICT teacher, she just loves to humiliate me, i wasn't even in the lesson for 10 minutes and already she sniped at me! I swear she actually stresses me out!
FISHY FAT HEAD KESLER! erghh, thats what i call her.
I also am not so fond of my form tutor! She never ever talks to me, has favorites and i had her as a teacher for like two years and she never even knew i existed last year so thats why i thought it was gonna be a nightmare having her as my form teacher this year. but mehh shes okey, i suppose she will do. And atleast I know she knows my name cos she has to call it out in the register. But if she was having a conversation with me (which would probably never happen) she probz wouldn't even know my name. SPAZ HEAD!
Sorry, i'm just letting all my feelings out, you don't even have to read this lame blog.
Well.. on the plus side, I am really liking my food tech lesson, thats about the only subject I do well in. My grades are surprisingly good, and I also kinda like Science, but theres just a lot of work! Speaking of work I've got soo much homework. I'm so happy I have 5 free lessons a week, so I can do my homework in them. I've did my maths in one today (ohh yeah I like maths too aswell, seeing as the teacher is nice to me) lol. Yeh so I did my maths, and now i've still got Food Tech, French and English to do. My english is an essay and have just under 2 weeks to do it, mehh i will try my best, better start this weekend.
FRENCH! Omg, soo our teacher last year didnt tell anyone she was retiring so screw her! We got a new one this year who is new to the school, he is actually from France which is good, is English is really good for a french person, and his vocab too. His pronnounciations are a bit off but its well funny. Also, he looks young, im guessing around 25 and hes new and everything so he doesnt know a lot but he started saying like the word pissed in the lesson, hehe it was well great! I hve a good feeling about French this year lol. Specially with him. It should be amusing, plus he seems like a good teacher.
Okeyy, enuf about school, MOVING ON!
TV, wooh.
Soo... i watched the first episode of the new season of Desperate Housewives. I've never seen it before and its on like the 4th season lmao. I was a tiny bit lost but it seems like a really good show. I'm gonna continue watching it. Anyone else watch it?
Hmm ermm, friday whats on? Okiee;; Disney Channel Games Final, Big Brother Final, FNMTV, and finally Ugly Betty has returned to British TV!! Its actually about time. Maybe like 9 months, and I have no idea whyy?! Soo its continuing like half way through season 2, so that should be great luvv it its so funny. Is season 2 finished in America yet?
What I would like to watch.. when it comes to British TV;;
Secret Life Of The American Teenager
Greek Season 2
Gossip Girl Season 2
Big Bang Theory Season 2
90210 Spin off
but I have no idea when they are gonna start here.
Hopefully soon.
Okiee well sorry if this blog was half depressing, hope i didn't bring your moods down. Have an awesome weekend everyone, speak like next week, probably friday again. Bye.