Purchased Diablo 3 yesterday and pre-downloaded the client already. This will be the longest week ever.
Seriously though, has the Diablo franchise stalled? Give me a break, Laura. Diablo 2 is one of the most successful action RPG's to ever be created, and it's been 12 years. This game will sell like Easter candy.
I'm a frequent player of LoL and have never encountered another player taking advantage of this exploit. At least I won't have to deal with it now, although it would have been funny to see some champs spamming their abilities "without any cool-down time."Of course, I would then slam them with the cheating report. :)
Which will survive? That's a simple answer John Davison. Each company's next-gen console will survive. Seriously though, when a writer proposes a question like this he's pretty much baiting his audience into rationalizing the exact opposite of what he's actually asking. In this case, "Which won't survive?" They then proceed to write paragraphs and paragraphs of would's and would not's. Once the read is done, all that readers are left with is conflict. There's no real story here.
@SeptuagintXXX Hmm, I wouldn't say Dark Souls is a bust. This may be the front runner so far, but in my opinion GOTY won't be released until November 11th. ;)
I don't think video games are always consistent in the enjoyment they provide for gamers. I mean yeah, when you first get an awesome game you love it. The more you play it the more you get tired of it. Playing games is not like cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol where the more you do it, the more addicted you get. I think its just the way people utilize their time.
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