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Personal view upon Okami and Fragile Dreams

2 days ago I bought Okami and Fragile Dreams: Farewell ruins of the moon.

I have to say that both games are true works of art.
The graphics are stunning and the characters plus the storys are interesting.
Japanese gamemakers are really talented in making games.
I have to say that I'm pretty addicted to games of japanse origin.

Okami is brilliant in everything it is about and what it contains.

Fragile Dreams is a emotional and very personal game.
When the battery died of the device that Seto carried along with him,I nearly cried...


Miles Edgeworth Investigations not in Belgium!!!


I was waiting for 6 months to buy the fifth game of ace attorney: miles edgeworth investigations.

I couldn't find it anywhere so I looked it up on the web.

What do I read? The director or whoever it was decided to not bring it out in The Netherlands and the Benelux.

All because there are too much people with a R4 in our country.

I'm really pissed on those "pirates" now.....

But I'm going to look for it in England anyway,, but it's just the idea that that is the reason it doesn't come out here.


Animal games

Okay, I found out something about my 'gametaste'

I'm like addicted to cute animal games like the series of Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.

They're so funny and cute!

If someone knows some games in the same genre, please let me know.



C.O.P. The Recruit in Belgium!^^

Wauw, Belgium is back in the league (or how do you say that?:p)

I was looking in a shopmagazine and saw C.O.P. The Recruit on the gamespage!

Yay!! I really thought they weren't going toimport it here!!
I've already put it on my list :):)

_____MA _____X

C.O.P. The Recruit

Guess what!!!!

I've discovered a new, and really great action game!
C.O.P. The Recruit! It's about a guy who's a newbiz at a police office or the FBI or something.
I think it looks really neat¨^^
But I didn't see it on the belgian gamesweb from nintendo, and I think it's not going to be sold in my country.
That's so not fair!!:( America gets al the cool games:(

I really hope they're going to put it in our game shops!!

See ya


Sherlock Holmes DS

Sherlock Holmes' first adventure on the DS is going to be wicked!!
I played the demo for the pc and it's so cool x)
I'll have to wait till December before I'll get it from py parents.
I'm stuck inTomb RaiderUnderworld for the DS so I've nothing else to play :( :p
Maybe it's stupid I don't pay it myself, but if my parents buy it for me I can use my money for another game I want. ;)

__See ya!___Music_Addict__

Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth: Investigations

Yay!! A few days ago, I found out that they are going to bring a new game out from the series of Ace Attorney! Never been so exited about a game coming out! :):):) I'm just addicted to crime and detective games x) I can't wait till february 2010! O, and sorry if my english isn't perfectly correct, i am belgian so... ;)