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xXxxNemesisxxXx Blog

New Profile and New Name

Whatsup GameSpot friends, I created a new account because for some reason I couldn't update my email address on my old profile; ThaNemesis2050. So I have decided out with the old and in with he new! :-) Not to much with blogs, I wrote a couple on my old profile but what the hey, life is about experiencing something new. Since this is a gaming website why not keep a blog about my gaming life. So with the start of Nemesis's Gaming Blog lets give a little background. I'm apart of one of the first generations that grew up with video games being a big part of my childhood. A couple of my favorite series would have to be God of War, Mass Effect, Hitman, Silent Hill, Tekken, and Soul Caliber. I was gaming heavy in the 90s so I'm still really into fighting games. Mostly 3D then he 2D ones. Hmm what else, I'm currently only playing League of Legends right now since both my XB360 and PS3 have died :-[ No worries, I had a Merry Christmas and will be getting my PS3 back at the end of January! Hurrah!!! I will also be building a new computer next year. Mainly for designing a video game but playing them as well. I'll end the fist blog with the games I'm most looking forward to next year. Starting with Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto V, and Metal Gear. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and here to a Happy New Year!!