Just a quick one to say I watched Dr. Parnassus tonight, and while my lovely wife was far from impressed I liked it. It was very myth/fable/psalm like. The moral of the story seemed to be immortality would suck, or maybe, the devil is actually not such a bad guy.
On the subject of Heath Ledger, who obviously died while making the movie. They should have had Johnny Depp from the start. I have nothing against Ledger but for the first 10-15 minutes after Ledger's arrival in the film he was channeling JD anyway, and when JD actually appeared it was like the roll was made for him. There are worse films for a star to have as their last movie, and I have to say I liked Ledger after he STOPPED trying to be JD. The film itself was typical Terry Gilliam fayre, think along the lines of 12 monkeys crossed with Baron Munchaussen and you are not too far off.
That said; I won't be going out of my way to watch it again, although Lily Cole and her bountiful bosoms do warrant another look! ;)