First of all I didn't get this info myself, i got it off of MajerHawks Blog, where he got the info from is listed at the end of this Post. The reason I posted this is because I thought it was cool and more people should know about it.
5 vs 5 online
Every single map and mode (NO LIE!)
No Wii Speak or Motion Plus
Host migration (Which means no more disconnecting, or the match ending when the host leaves)
Fully customizable controls
squad mate mode is back
Every campaign mission
Info from- This guy is 100% believable. He has tie-ins with the video game media, and was right when he said we would get details Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, it isn't even in BETA for yet, so those graphics were not the final graphics, they will be better - GUARANTEED. This is where he got the info from -