You guys are idiots....seriously...I own both systems...I love both systems...I see almost no difference between to two on my TV. The only reason I buy one game for 360 or one game for PS3 is usually purely on whether I want to play online with my friends on 360 or if for some reason there's more content on the PS3 like in the case of Batman.
It's already been said PS3 and 360 are extremely similar in power....saying we should compare exclusives is also flawed and stupid since say Gears 2 is easily a lot better looking than anything the PS3 has put out...and yes that includes Resistance 2. Now, MGS4 has amazingly life-like graphics but don't think for a second 360 couldn't run it too. However Sony likes to hold onto stuff like MGS so I don't think it'll be on the 360 at least for a long while but that's just marketing bullsh1t to think the 360 couldn't run MGS4. They're both powerful systems.
I can't wait to see all three of these titles. WoW included since I don't know why people bash it so's the most successful MMO to date. 10 million subscribers? Yeah....It's popular. But of course I'm more than willing to welcome in some non-monthly fee action from Starcraft and Diablo. Lovin' the new Diablo Graphical update there too. It's lookin' nice, amazing how games are changing yet it still keeps that blizzard feel. I don't know how these guys do it.
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