Hey went out again tonight, was awsome really!
it was like a field full of people and lots and lots of booze, ive never had such a good time in ages, i literly had to hold my guy/mates hand all the way back as i was so determind to have a piss,haha!
and my brother was squishing me so much i really felt like bursting out, the jeep was full of people, haha, it was awsome, we were telling each other old history( awsome)And my x was in the car, one story came and it was about us. i miss him soo much, and i cant believe i left a desent guy for a total wanker! ...if only i could go back to time, i would change it completely....well anyway back to the story all of my guy/mates were makign me laught so much, they knew i wanted to go to the loo so badly, they just wanted to make me suffer and laugh about it, hehe!
Well any way i could call this the best night of the year, spending time with my ex and having a laugh with his mates, and on the way back we decided that we wanted to go to a different club, so my x boyfriends mate had to drive is back, untill half the people said that they wanted to go home for the rest of the night after getting lost for an hour,haha!
But spending time with my special old mates brought so much memories and special moments that i had forgotten, and it made it worth getting lost, it made it worth while!
anyway speak soon xannax xoxo