Probably Little Sister with the big daddies. You can't melt a suit that thick. And uhhhh.......adam makes your body resistent to flame. Incinerate powerup?
The cheapest PC laying around is an Acer 3100+AMD Sempron oc'ed to 2.2Ghz with an 160GB Seagate Primary and a 120GB Maxtor Secondary drive. A 7800GT+AGP 256mb gfx card oc'd of course through RivaTuner from BFG. And topping that off with 2gb of RAM and a 9 in 1 media card reader- this pc serves as the downloading and backup system.
I also have a 68tb Dell Server box I bought from them to backup all the things I have collected over the years. My entire gaming and music collection is backed up on it. And it's only utilized 12%.:)
For the children and for the beautiful people who exemplify the human condition in a positive manner.
Let my death be painful if it must. But let it be glorious and filled with my blood spraying on the face of the person who caused it as I'm ripping their eyes out. Long live humanity!
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