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My List of Games I am Dying to Play.

I am going to list all of the games I want to play in a list format. If you have any reason why I shouldn't play a certain game then after you read this, post a comment underneath the journal entry that I am writing. O.K... Here we go:

Advent Rising

Destroy All Humans

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theroy

Star Wars Battlefront

and finally:

a little game called Medal of Honor: Frontline.

After reading my loooooong(wink,wink) list of games I'm most excited to play, please go underneath this journal entry and post a comment on a thing, or things, that are not so good about any game appearing on this list. I might make a point of a few in my next journal. So... POST THOSE COMMENTS!
