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My Review Of... The Losers

I had no clue that this comic had even existed. Apparently the cast also had no clue as well. But now that I have seen the movie adaption I think I might check it out. The Losers is about a US Special Forces team that gets betrayed by the guy they are doing a job for. Becoming fugitives they vow to take revenge and kill the guy who framed them.

There is a really good cast in this movie and they all do a very good job in acting out a standard revenge laced action film story. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian from Watchmen) leads the group whose members include future Captain America Chris Evans, Idris Elba, and a not-CGI'd Zoe Saldana. The guy who plays the villian Max does a great job in portraying a self-confident smug baddy who seemed to me to act kind of like Michael Scott. (Spouting off random jokes and impressions.) The whole film just feels absurd and I think what makes it so good is that the crew was aware of its absurdity and exploited it to the fullest degree. Near the end of the movie there's one scene where I was humming the "Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions" song purely because the explosion was so generic of the action genre.

Overall, it's a basic action film with a basic revenge plot but it turns out to be a fun ride full of over the top action sequences and funny moments and lines. And the character of Max is hystarical at times. My only complaint is that they could have made the film a little longer. (It's around 90 minutes long. It could at least have been 15 or 20 minutes longer.)

I give The Losers a 9/10.