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Other Things to Talk About. Plus Games...

Hello! It's me again. Now that a show I love has aired it's season finale I'm gonna send a letter to Fox and tell them " MAKE A SEASON 5. By the way season 4 ended weird. FIX IT"

Okay.... that wasn't really what I had in mind but it kinda works dosn't it?????

Yeah..... it doesn't. I'm gonna have to think on that one. Anyway, back to games.

I have a few things I'd like to know about.

1. In Jedi Academy, why is it that every time you kill a Dark Jedi that it goes slow-mo and 360 turn-around? If the studio could fix that for the next Jedi Knight game that would be great.

2. WHY DON"T THE CHEATS WORK? I have no idea. Help me ( the game is Jedi Academy)

Daily Tip #2: Don't play Halo for hours on end.... IT"S JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xbox FrEak260!