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Reaction to recent happenings

I don't have the time I need to write deeply how I feel right now. Videogames are only a small part of my life at the moment, but Gamespot is the one thing that I always do to keep up with things. I've always said that "Jeff IS Gamespot", so his recent having been "let go" has stricken me like the loss of a friend. I felt, numb, betrayed, and depressed. I know that the show will go on, but with Rich and Jeff both gone now (and Tim's gone, when did that happen?) it truly is an end of an era for Gamespot Live.

I felt the need to write this in case the Gamespot editor are prowling around the Blog-o-sphere looking for their reader's reactions. I am saddeded by the loss of Jeff, but I have not lost my respect for the Gamespot family. I believe your story 110% about it being a management problem, and it really warms my heart to hear the editor's stories about Gamespot being a family and sticking together in this hard time.

Even if we, the public, never hear an offical reason for why this happed the way it did, I hope for your sakes, and for the sakes of the Gamespot community, that the staff is able to get some sort of closure.

My love to the Gamespot family and greater community,
