5. Eddie Vedder eats microphones
You can see the poor microphone try to escape, but Eddie slowly moves it towards his mouth for consumption. Pure evil.
4. Darth Vedder
Do I really need to explain this one? Pure Evil.
3. ...Wait, if he's "Darth Vader,"then that means...
Yes, I know what all of you are thinking. Eddie Vedder borked (if you don't know what that means, you can guess) Queen Amidala. Poor Natalie Portman. Why did you have to take her from me! You sir, are pure evil.
2. Then that means...
Eddie Vedder is actually Luke Skywalker's dad. Wow, thanks for ruining Star Wars for every single person in the universe, you evil hack.
1. Princess Leia!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!
You are dead to me, "spawn of Vedder."
.5 You'll never guess this one.
When someone once asked Hitler "Why did you order the houlocaust?"
He responded, "The Album 'Ten' really inspired me to kill all those people." And who created such an evil filled album? Pearl Jam.
That got off topic quickly, but it was eye-opening nevertheless.
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