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5.5 reasons why Pearl Jam is evil

5. Eddie Vedder eats microphones

You can see the poor microphone try to escape, but Eddie slowly moves it towards his mouth for consumption. Pure evil.

4. Darth Vedder

Do I really need to explain this one? Pure Evil.

3. ...Wait, if he's "Darth Vader,"then that means...

Yes, I know what all of you are thinking. Eddie Vedder borked (if you don't know what that means, you can guess) Queen Amidala. Poor Natalie Portman. Why did you have to take her from me! You sir, are pure evil.

2. Then that means...

Eddie Vedder is actually Luke Skywalker's dad. Wow, thanks for ruining Star Wars for every single person in the universe, you evil hack.

1. Princess Leia!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!

You are dead to me, "spawn of Vedder."

.5 You'll never guess this one.

When someone once asked Hitler "Why did you order the houlocaust?"

He responded, "The Album 'Ten' really inspired me to kill all those people." And who created such an evil filled album? Pearl Jam.

That got off topic quickly, but it was eye-opening nevertheless.

What are you doing in my house Nelly Furtado?

Get out of my kitchen, you hack.

If I hear that damned "Promiscuous" song one more time. I'll puke.

Great job on making me naucious, you hack.

why does your name sound sucpiciously like "Fart-Retard?"

...I smell a communist...

You, Lennin, Stalin, and "Timba-land" (Nice name hack-zor), can go sit in Red Square, until pigs fly.

Is Equal too

oh yeah, put the paper plates back where you found them.

Stop trying to steal picnic stuff, you hack.

...You're not actually going to get an iphone...

...So stop talking like you're going to get it.

"Hmmm...I don't know if I should get the iphone, I've heard some bad things about it."

Then don't get one, you're not "hip" if you talk about it. Now you've created an environment where technology is discussed just because it's "whats in," not because it will actually be cutting edge or powerful.

nice job, you hacks.

I don't know whatan iphone is, buthey it has a lower case"i" an ipod or an imac. And people like ipods...sooooooo...If get an iphone, I'm cool! that's rad!

No, no it isn't, you hack.

5 reasons Courtney Love should hive up her Nirvana ownership...

5. Courtney Love is a hack.

Nice lipstick job, you hack.

4. She used Kurt Cobain. (See the song "Old Age")

Way to steal a song and claim it as your own, you hack.

3. "What about Dave Grohl and Krist Novaselic?"

She screwed them (figure of speech), stole the rights, and is trying to kill nirvana's legacy. Nice job, you hack.

2. "Where does the money go?"

Well... Lets see... how could I best describe this? Ok, when you buy a nirvana CD, you might as well be walking down the street buying illegal drugs, and mailing them to Mrs. Love. Way to be a junkie, you hack.

1. She was the lead singer of "Hole."

...the worst band in history. Look at their song catalouge; it sucks, never make music again, Courtney. Oh, BTW, nice name for a band, you hack.

Big Spring

For me this spring will be amazing.  I have preordered The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and hope to get MLB 2K6, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, and of course Gears of War.  These will easily keep me occupied until '07.  All of these games look to be games that will top any launch game for the Xbox 360.  And my birthday is in late Feburary so I am pumped.  The sad thing is, I do not think that there will be any major (or remotly good) games released until November and the holiday season.

360 sales in japan

The importance of the Japanese game market is extremely over rated.  In my mind Microsoft has been extremely successful in the United States lately, and thats what matters.  Microsoft is an american company, and Sony is a japanese one.  The difference is Sony has done very well in BOTH american and japanese markets, why? because Sony is able to create games that appeal to both American and Japanese markets.  Whereas microsoft focuses on the 18 year old American with games like Halo.  Don't get me wrong Halo is a great game, but there are very few other Microsoft first party titles that are as popular because microsoft thinks that there is no major market outside of that age-group.