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xboxkrazy2 Blog

way to go, my parakeet has diarhea!


anyway, i preordered a 360 again today(my dad canceled it the last time because i got a F on a project(very important))

i forgot to bring it to school, so i got an f...

otherwise, i have been trying out for basket ball, i so far SUCK at it, and life is still average:P

got report card(progress report)

im quite happy with it too.

I got:




Language Arts:A




lol, and no, im not a nerd:P

comment and tell your grades

haven't been on lately...

cuz of my mom getting fired of her job I've been frickin doing chores up the bloody yahoo!:(

so, if ive not been on lately or checked any messages, its her fault, not mine

lol, what's with this guy?! He's crazy!!o.0

I beat up some fat kid who's been trying to give me...WEDGIES...:shock:

Yeh, I know, that's pretty ****y if you ask me, lol.

I'm dead serious, he's this 400-pound, 15-year old who like putting his hands in the undergarments of others, and giving it a quick and disgusting tug...

My GOD this guy's disturbed:roll:

Anyway, besides owning that guy-who-watches-too-many-cartoons guy, I had an average day, lol.

It turns out it was poisonous, but

it's not too lethal to even make me unconcious

Anyway, today I beat the Morrowind GOTY Edition's Main Quest(it's pretty short, but thank god for the thousands of Faction Quests and Misc. Quests!)

btw,, i'm currently gathering enough money to get a Halo 2 set for my little cousin(he loves Halo 2, and this set has

Master Chief;Jackalx2;Arbiter;Elitex2;Gruntx3;Brutex2;Tartarus;Guilty Spark;Flood Combat Formx3;Sentry Major;Marinex3;Johnson;Miranda;Hunterx2;Warthogx2;Ghostx2;Wraith;Scorpion;Bansheex2;Sniper Rifle;Rockets;Plasma Riflex2;Assault Riflex3;Plasma Beamx2;Carbine;Shotgun;and a Flamethrower

I know, even IM jealous!:o

it costs $99.99!(dayamn!)

got sting by a scorpion today

yeh, i was walking in my backyard to scare away a friggin' possum, and what happens?

well, i look up just to relax...

sit down...and relax...

when I look at a scorpion(no, not the tanks, the bugs:P) sitting on a tree branch right...above me...

I'm like "wtf?o.0", because it had its tail pointing DIRECTLY at me!

I moved away...

Later, I went back out to rake the lawn(i hate doing yard work:P)...

When i was done, I got a Pepsi outta the cooler and sat down in a different spot than i did earlier...

I look up again, just to be curios...

To see a fast blur, and then a thump on my face!

Then, the damn scorpion stings me on my upper lip!

I almost died of a heart attack!

I'll have to go to the Indian River Walk-In Clinic tomorrow to check this **** out...

I'll type my status tomorrow, I guess...(If I live to TELL you:x)

Thinking of getting another gf...

My girlfriend's in Arkansas now(but I still e-mail her and play on Final Fantasy XI with her), so I'm going to have to get used to not going to the mall every other day with her


I'm thinking of getting another girlfriend-I can get one whenever I feel like it(I wish).

Anyway, today I had to do another rotation at gym(bloody mini-marathon where you pass several obstacle courses within a certain time limit(today's was 25 minutes!:x). I have to do one every Friday morning for the rest of the school year!!!

My school sux. BIIIIIIG TIIIME!

...In fact, I could've sworn my science teacher tried to use the magnifying glass in the sun on me today...(:shock:)

Well, I'm gonna play Nintendogs while I take a Burger King Dump(cant...hold it...anymore...)




YAY! Advance Wars: DS is worth every penny!^.^

I got AW: DS today, and it is the frickin BOMB!:D

It can get pretty challengin though:P

God, I can't wait till I'm old enough to serve in the Marines...(2 years from now...)

Oh, and I found out(by googling(god-bless Google(Google roxxorz!(lol(*sneezes*(*lots of parenthesis)))))) today that Plasma Weaponry is-in fact-being invented! In other words, stuff like Halo 2 will be seen in 20-or-so years!:D


Plasma's purdy!:D

Oh, and my girlfriend moved another state............she was forced to by her ****ing parents............sunnuvab-

WEL...uh...yeh....that was, um, my day!:P

How was yours!:?