@majorcodeblue: hi joel, I'm new to this forum/site, love gaming....started way way back many years ago, with a zx spectrum 48k, then too a spectrum 128 plus 3, then super Nintendo, then sega Saturn, ps1, ps2, xbox 1 , xbox360 and finally a xboxone , what games everyone like? my gamertag XBOXLEWISUK add me I'm friendly :0
XBOXLEWISUK's forum posts
why cant a good warfare game come out like cod 4 and world at war..todays overperked and ridiculous weapons isn't the cod most people loved, surely if they should of done a separate series for futuristic space suits etc etc...but obviously the sales are doing well, I nearly got bo3 but tresisted due to friends feedback,
Day one XboxOne from start, no regrets love it...im sure the playstation is quality too, but personally the games just look same on both consoles...some people believed xbox would be no good etc etc etc , personally the xbox360 was brilliant and improved with updates all the time, I had 100 percent faith in x1
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