Graphics or not this game will set a record above that of Halo PS3 fanboys just stop saying the game sucks....Killzone 2 wont make $125 million in 24 hours. End of story.
well I must say Im impressed with it's performance but I was hoping to see more considering its 6 month old competition is still better in some areas and not much worse where it wins. Good on ATI though for putting out a quality card for the price range.
I keep seeing people say that they're sick of computer problems...Here's a novel idea! Learn how to take care of your computer and OS and maybe you won't have a problem! I have had one issue with XP and all it took was a wipe of the hard disk partition and reinstallation of Windows...wooo that's difficult. Keep stuff backed up occassionally and learn how to work with an OS before you bash it for breaking it yourself.
I'll probably wait until the price drops and buy it for the soul purpose of Zelda games, and if need be, a Super Smash Bros. Id buy it at launch but I'm not that pumped for it, so until it's cheaper (which sounds ridiculous because it's already insanely cheap), my 360 is keepin me plenty busy.
xboxrulze's comments