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xboxshenron Blog


well im signing off this account from my PS3 and i may never come back its been a good 2 years but it may all be coming to an end well good night and god speed ps: i may also found under my new account TOTAL_DEFENSE_0 pss: this whole thing may have been in vain since i might return okay im done

Gears of War 2 and PS3

Today a new rumor surfaced. Supposesibly an employee of Epic games said that there was talk of Gears of War 2 and 3 being put on PS3 as well as 360. When I first heard this I thought it was ridiculous since microsoft published Gears of War 1. But then I started to think well why not? While I may not have been a big fan of the first game as you can tell by my review and numerous blog posts, it actually does make sense that this game would go to PS3. There are 2 reasons I believe this. Firstly. Blu Ray. Cliff B has said that Gears of War already filled up microsofts DVDs. So Blu Ray which can hold up to 50GBs would be a big turn on for him. He wouldnt have to put Gears of War 2 in 2 DVDs. Another reason that it makes sense to me is that Epic games is solely producing for 360 and PC, they are also producing games for PS3. Unreal Tournament 3 is scheduled to be released for PS3, 360 and PC, This shows that Epic games doesn't mind releasing multiplatform games. While for this most part I still don't believe it

Bring the fight to their doorstep

So far this generation, Sony has decided that taking a back seat is a good thing. Now i dont know if its that the fame of the Playstation 1 and 2 got to them but you cant do that. Especially not this generation. Nintendo and Microsoft got clobbered last generation and theyve come back with a vengence as can be clearly seen. However, this does not mean that Sony is out just yet.

People speculated yesterday, myself included when i first heard, that it was the beginning of the end for Sony when we were informed that Devil May Cry 4 would be appearing simultainously on PS3 and Xbox 360. However, after a couple of hours, most of us were able to calm down and move on. While undoubtibly losing DMC4 was a heavy loss, not just for the console but for many gamers who felt like Devil May Cry was part of their Playstation family, it is not the end of the world. While this may be one of many 3rd party games that was lost to the Xbox 360, it changes, really nothing. The reasons for this, Sony has more 1st party developers than Nintendo and Microsoft put together. And not only do they have a lot, but they all make really awsome games.

Lets not forget that Playstations biggest game possibly, God of War, can never be taken away from us. This is just one of the many games. However, Sony cannot just stand around and wait for God of War 3 for people to start scooping up its systems. They need to start releasing games that are going to catch gamers attentions and make them believe that the PS3 is a good $600 investment. They are already starting to show this. My example is Motorstorm. While it may have gotten a ridiculous score on Motorstorm, it is the Playstation 3s hottest game at the moment. My friend was convinced solely by looking and playing Motorstorm that he had to get a Playstation3. This is good, however, not by far enough. Today, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was released on the PS3 which was what a lot of gamers were waiting for to pick up their PS3s.

Still there is no point in fooling around and beating around the bush here. Playstation 3s saving graces are both of the Final Fantasy XIIIs and Metal Gear Solid 4. Both of these have an immensly huge fan base. However, there is great danger. Both of these are produced by 3rd party developers. Im not to worried about Metal Gear Solid 4 really because from what ive seen thus far this generation, Konami is the one company that hasnt been a) interested in producing on the Xbox 360 or b) bribed by Micro$oft to take away exclusives. Also, with the announcement of rumble going back into the Sixaxis, which was Hideo Kojima's biggest problem with the PS3, Metal Gear Solid 4 is almost 100% comfirmed to be an exclusive. Final Fantasy on the other hand I'm much more worried about. Square Enix, though loyal to Sony last gen, may not prove so this gen. We've already seen one Final Fantasy, FF11, put on the 360. It might have been a bad port, but non the less it was Final Fantasy on the 360. The best way that Sony can secure Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 also is to increase home install basis.

However, this is kinda a problem when you consider the fact that the PS3 is $600 and not really for a casual gamer. So what can Sony do to solve this problem? LOWER THE PRICE!!! First and for most, that is the most important thing that Sony has to do and the sooner, the better. It is true that Sony is already losing about 200 dollars or so on each system, but the only way to get it back is from sales of games. And they cant be selling games if no one is buying the systems. So lower the price at least to 400 dollars. Yeah, it would hurt Sony, a lot, temporarily, but if they did that, people would start to wonder why they should buy a 360 for the same price since it cant do all the things the PS3 can. Once more PS3s start being bought, the more games that are gonna be sold meaning the more money Sony gets back.

Another thing is, even at $400 the PS3 wont be selling at its best. What it needs is a series of good games. Luckily, that is were the PS3 is showing great progress. It has a big number of 1st party games that are exclusive coming out this year. Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and very important, Killzone 2. Here is where Sony really needs to act fast. First of, release Lair and Heavenly Sword as fast as possible since there are a lot of people looking forward to those games. Secondly, have Killzone 2 up and ready to counter Halo 3 by the time it comes out Setember. At the most delay it til October, but have it ready by fall. Oh, and heres is a BIG one for Killzone 2. MAKE IT FREAKING AWSOME!! For starters, make the graphics come as close as possible to E3 05. Also, make a huge online multiplayer that features somewhere around 64 player online. And finally, and incredible story line and intuative controls. If Sony makes Killzone 2 into this Masterpiece, it might even be enough to topple the colossus that is Halo 3.

If Sony gets this down, as well as having great games like Ratchet and Clank releasing at least once a month, they will have a much higher home install basis come November and December 2007. This time is crutial because it is around this time that Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 will be releasing. If they can show to Konami and Square Enix that they have a large enough home install basis, they will have no reason not to make them exclusives.

If Sony gets past 2007 doing all of the things said, the success of Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 will be enough to have them somewhere in the 15 millions of consoles sold. This will be higher than the Xbox 360 at that point in its life. After seeing them make that great of a comeback, the 3rd party developers will come back and produce great exclusives for the PS3 again. Most likely the next GTA and DMC5 will be PS3 exclusives if at least for a while.

2007 is going to be the hardest year for the PS3. However, if Sony plays their cards right and brings the fight to Micro$oft and Nintendo's door, they can be a force to be recconded with come 2008. However, if Sony doesn't secure FF13 or MGS4, all we can do is sit and wait for God of War to come and save us all.

They need to realize that they are in great danger of not only losing this next gen war, but of becoming this generations Dreamcast. Now is the time for new strategies from Sony, now is the time to fight back. 

Feelings, wooahh feelings!

Never did i think that things would get this serious
At first, I thought it would be nothing more than a fling
Dont get me wrong, shes beautiful, but not what i normally go for
I now know that i really do have feelings for you
Now, however, i am also faced with an impossible task
Entering your heart


i love secret messages 

The Darkest Day of the War Yet

I remember back in May 2005, PS3 was the console to beat. It was doing everything right. Nothing seemed like it could stop it. Not Microsofts Xbox 360 and Nintendos non-exsisting Revolution.

However, just one year later, the tables had turned almost completely. At E3 06, the PS3 started to stumble and fall. First, announcing it would cost $600. That was bad enough, however, the same day, they lost their exclusivity of GTA IV.
To make matters worse, its competitors now seemed to be doing everything right. Xbox 360 was having major success and would continue to all the way til through the end of 06. And after seeing the newly named Wii at E3, many people didnt even pay attention to the PS3.
Still though, matters got worse. One of the big games that was shown of for the PS3 in E3, Assassins Creed turned out to also be heading to 360.
Since May of 2006, Playstation 3 has lost many many exclusives. Here are a few to name: GTA IV, Assassins Creed, Fatal Inertia, Bladestorm, Mercenaries 2, the Guitar Hero series, and a couple others.
Today, March 19, 2007, I finally felt defeat behind handed to me by the hands of not the Xbox 360 as i would have expected, but by Sony themselves. Today, it was announced that one of my favorite Playstation series, Devil May Cry, would be releasing its next gen game, Devil May Cry 4 on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 simultaniously.
While lossing other exclusives may have been big, for example GTA, nothing is as big as this. The reasons,Assassins Creed, Fatal Inertia, and Bladestorm were all new series so it wasnt too big of a deal. Mercenaries 2 was just a sequal to a game no one really cared about last gen. Guitar Hero hurt but it was easy to get over it since it as coming to just about everything now (they'll probably announce it for the engage next week). Even GTA wasn't as big because GTA had always been a timed exclusive before. Devil May Cry however, had always been an exclusive.

While my initial reaction to this was a mixture of anger, sadness, depression, denial, and devastation, my current state is different.

It is true, it is a very dark day, having lost one of our greatest to the likes of Micro$oft, but we are not beaten. Beaten is just what they would want from us. However, we are a Playstation family. We had never given up hope before and there is no reason to now. We still have greats like God of War 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII. Also, Grand Turismo, Killzone 2, Ratchet and Clank, Eight Days, the naughty dog game, Motorstorm, Lair, Heavenly Sword and Resistance. Together, our family is more than enough to defeat Micro$oft and Halo 3, Gears of War 1 & 2, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Alan Wake, Fordza Motor Sport, and Blue Dragon.

I have faith. We have never been down before, and its time for the Playstation to really learn what a challenge is. There may be a day when we will fall, but not today. This day, we stand....this day, we fight.

2 gig stick

Yeah i definitely need the 2GB memory stick for my PSP now. Im down to just 37mb on my 1GB. Too many songs in there now, and even more that i want to put it. Sucks that its $100 though.

My opinions on the Wii

Since the Wii launched last november, it has been doing very well in sales. I currently own a Wii and dont have any intentions of selling it because its fun to have for parties when people come over. It gets everyone playing, even those who dont play normally. Sure, its a great family fun system, but thats all it is.
The Wii has had succesful sales until this point and i think there are several reasons for that. For one, its 250 dollars. This is 150 dollars cheaper than Xbox 360 and 350 dollars cheaper than PS3. People who were casual gamers last generation are likely to go for this system over anything. Secondly, it launched with Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. While the PS3 may have launched with Resistance: Fall of Man which is truely more fun the LoZ: TP in the long run, Zelda just had a much bigger fan base so more people were drawn to that than buying a PS3. And I'll admit, Twilight Princess was one of the best games i played last year. However, its now been four months since the Wii launched and ive yet to see any other good, serious games to come out. The Playstation 3 has already released Fight NIght Round 3 and Motorstorm which are both fantastic games. However, the Wii keeps on releasing games that are just a series of minigames. This is not fun in the long run nor is it a game that will be remembered. Sure, Rayman is fun, but not for very long after you beat it. And Warioware I just cant stand. How do they expect me to pay 50 dollars for 3 second long minigames?! The Wii needs to being releasing games that can make you see what the console can really do more than just minigames.
This brings me to the next flaw i see in the Wii: its features. The Wii really features nothing extra. The other day i was just thinking about it like this: if the PS3 fails, im left with a 600 dollar Blu-Ray player which is good since blu-ray players are 800 dollars. If the Xbox 360 fails, im left with a 400 dollar DVD player which is a complete rip off but hey, at least its a DVD player. But if the Wii fails, im left with a 250 dollars nothing. It just makes no sense how the Wii cannot even play DVDs. The Playstation 2 from the last generation was able to play DVDs. Also, in these 4 months, we have not seen any online system yet. Now another feature is music and video features which the Wii also lacks. The Wii also lacks HD, next gen graphics which PS3 and 360 have both proven that they have.
All in all, I really dont see the Wii fairing this next gen console war very well. It doesnt have next gen graphics, an online system, music or video features, and any serious games. For crying out loud, one of its biggest games this year, SSBB, cant even be played with the Wii Remote. Nintendo really needs to start rethinking its strategy or its gonna find that people are going to start saying " Hey how come i paid 250 dollars for a console that is just a gamecube with motion sensing?" Nintendo needs to prove that its little console can hang with the super powers of 360 and PS3.
Its sales may be up right now, but not for long. The 360 has already proved its a force to be reckoned with and PS3 is just now starting to show that its ready to dominate. Wii has a hard time ahead of it.

Hatred Against Playstation 3

The Playstation 3 system has been out now for 4 months and still people do nothing but give it bad press. In reality, i really do not see any reason for this. The main reason that i think that people are doing this is because people, especially the press, love to see the greats down on their luck.
Since the Xbox 360 launched a year before the PS3, of course it had the advantage come November 17th 2007. It had been out for a year already and had released a number of new and good titles though in my opinion, nothing superb. And of course, it had Gears of War which released just weeks before the launch of the Playstation 3. This was bad enough but since the PS3 launched with only one good game, Resistance Fall of Man, it made the Playstation 3 seem even worse. Why were people going to pay $600 for a console that only had one good game that didn't even come close to the graphics of the Xbox 360s Gears of War. And of course all of this made sense for the most part at the time.
However, now it is not justified. The PS3 has proven in just these 4 short months that it can match Xbox 360 blow to blow. It has Resistance and Motorstorm which storngly outweigh any Xbox 360 racer or shooter. I can not stand how Gamespot was able to give Gears of War a 9.6 even though it is a 6 hours long, easy, game. It has no story explained through out the game; it's just go here and blow this up and to top it all of only 8 person multiplayer with only 3 modes of online play. Resistance on the other hand, got and 8.6 even though it has a story mode that is about 15 hours long, get very hard at some parts, and an engaging story line with 40 player online multiplayer and about 8 game modes with 2 more still on the way. The only thing that Gears of War had over Resistance were the graphics. Gears of War had the best graphics of any game for a while, until March 6th when Sony proved that it could match Microsofts best graphics (which took it a year to achieve) in just 3 1/2 months with Motorstorm. Also, since launch sony has gone to work on the PS3 fixing many things through updates. Its online system while not great, is good and its free.
Also there are thousands of people complaining right now because the Playstation 3 doesn't have any good games out right now. Well, as far as i see it, Xbox 360 didn't have many good games until the summer where Dead Rising and Saints Row came out. I can understand that there are very few title for the PS3 out right now worth getting but this happens with every system so stop complaing. Even so, right now there is something out for everyone. Resistance for the shooter, Motorstorm for the racer, Virtua Fighter 5 for the fighter, several sports games, in about 2 days Oblivion for the RPG fan, and although there is not really any GOOD adventure game for the PS3, God of War 2 just came out for the PS2 and thanks to backwards compatibility, it is playable on the PS3 for a couple of months until Lair and Heavenly Sword come out.
Another thing that bothers me, is how people can claim that Xbox 360 is superior to PS3. With a few exceptions like multitask downloads, music in games and a video download system, PS3 can do everything that Xbox 360 can do plus more. One thing that i find very funny is how people will bash PS3's web browser. First of, its not a bad web browser. I can have IGN and Gamespot open at the same time while listening to music and it will work fine. Secondly, there is no web browser on Xbox 360. Secondly, you can transer music or video file directly from any external device. While on Xbox 360 you can listen to music from iPod or PSP, you cant transfer it. And on Xbox 360 you cant even have picture to view or videos that arent on the marketplace to watch. PS3 gives you both of these features.
Also, all of the hardware features that PS3 gives you that 360 doesnt. While i think that the 20gb PS3 is a rip off and should be discontinued, the 60GB one offer so many features that 360 doesnt. To begin with, PS3 feature a built in Blu-Ray disc player. Sure you can buy the external HD-DVD drive for the Xbox 360 but its 200 dollars so this already brings the 360 up to 600 dollars. Also, with the rate of Blu-Ray and HD-DVD sales, i dont except HD-DVD to make it past this year. Secondly, wifi internet connection. You also get this on the Xbox 360 but its gonna cost you another 100 dollars. Xbox 360s up to 700 dollars now. Also, the Sixaxis control comes with a rechargeable battery and cord to recharge it. Another 20 dollars on Xbox 360. So really, if you want to make a PS3 without HDMI or card slots its gonna cost you $720 dollars. Hmmm, wasn't PS3 just $600? Interesting.
So this is the point that i am trying to get across here. The PS3 doesnt deserve all of the bad press that it is getting. At launch, sure ill accept it because it had a lousy launch. After losing 2 big exclusives, sure i'll accept that. But now, that the PS3 is really standing back up and showing off what it could really do espcially after GDC 07, it is unjustified and fanboyish to say that it is by far inferior to any system..

So many good games! Need money!

Darn it! PS3 slow down! Your gonna start releasing too many good games soon and im already behind. Havent bought Fight Night or Motorstorm yet! And your gonna spring Lair on me in May and Heavenly Sword and Warhawk in June? And Killzone sometime in August or September most likely. And then end the year with MGS4?! And this was only mentioning the exclusives(besides Fight Night). Darn i need money!