i found out that ir i select the headphone option i get voice from my center speaker but when i use the surround option i get no voice can someone give some advice im really stumped and if i use the headphone otpion is it accualy surround
so i think i need this dolby digital ex but i dont know where to find it. It is supposed to be a free download i makes sense now i haer no voice cause the center shannel is not being read when i play games
ya i dont have the spdif input on my grafix card anyway but my soundcard is dolby digital and i have it hooked to my theater system via the optical so i do get dolby digital and it does read on my theater system that it is dolby digital and in fact it almost sound better on my computer than my theater system but i cant hear niko talk or any of the main characters talk unless i switch the output option in gta to stereo then it does not sound as good
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