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Should I return to Youtube?

I know 4Kids Entertainment said they would take legal action if I uploaded their copyright material, but I seriously want to be back on Youtube. The reason why, well because I know a lot of users who got banned from uploading copyright Sonic material, but soon afterwrds they come back with a new account and sure as hell looks like legal action wasn't taken.

Here's an example, a user known as ZenkaiKenny0 who does Sonic re-dubs like me has been banned twice from Youtube from uploading copyright Sonic material, again is the legal action warning one of those threats that's supposed to freak out, but in real life they don't give a damn since all the stuff uploaded on Youtube is copyright material anyway.

Still I get this weird feeling that if I do upload the Sonic X Re-Dub series back on Youtube, I'll get sued big time, but seeing how other users aren't bankrupt I get the feeling I should get back to Youtube.

What should I do?

First Day of School.

Well looks like this is my final day of summer, school starts tomorrow and I'm a freshman this year in high school. To be honest I'm not ready for high school, I was at my old school for 11 years and I guess this whole change as me nervous for my first day. But I guess once the next few weeks pass by things will get a bit easier.

On another note, I finally got the stitches removed from behind my right ear, and the test results came back on the lump behind my ear. Turns out, the lump was an infection from previous surgery, but that's the weird thing I've never had surgery done on my ear up until last week, freaky isn't it. Well that's pretty much all I have to say, have a great week everyone!

Movie Recommendation #14.

Here's another movie recommendation for ya guys.

Movie: The Shawshank Redemption, 1994

Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is well respected and intelligent banker that has just sentenced to life in prison after he is found guilty of shooting and killing his wife and her secret lover. Andy knows he didn't commit the murders, but he sent to do his time in the Shawshank State Prison in Maine. When Andy arrives at prison he meets an immate named Red, (Morgan Freeman) the man who runs the sumuggling of cigerettes, and alcohal. Andy decides to do business with Red as they smuggle in stuff to keep Andy himself entertained, over time Andy and Red start to become good friends. After Andy becomes friends with Red, the whole prison begins to recognize Andy's will and hope that someday he'll be free, and Andy finds himself bonded together in friendship with the entire prison itself.

Nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture, The Shawshank Redemption is also ranked #72 on the American Film Institute's 100 Greatest Movies. Filled with a tale of great friendship and a strong will of hope, The Shawshank Redemption is without a doubt one of the most inspiring, most up-lifting films you'll ever see.

The Shawshank Redemption, 1994

I had some Minor Surgery today.

The doctors removed a lump from behind my right ear, they're not sure what it is but they told me it was nothing serious and in a few days they'll have the results soon. I'm going to have stitches behind my ear for a week and they'll remove those and then everything will be back to normal.

The lump behind my right ear had been there for awhile, but I thought it was nothing. The lump was a tumor if you look at it in medical terms, but it was a non-cancerous tumor, so don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

New Video is Up

Well, my last Sonic Re-Dub is up and running, so go check it out if you want to. Like I said earlier this is the last Sonic Re-Dub and I don't plan to make anymore, I'll still make videos just not comedy videos. Not much else to say, other than that enjoy the video guys.


Shipping up the Xbox 360 for Repair.

I finally called Microsoft about my broken Xbox 360 and they're going to fix it as soon as the box where you send it in for repairment shows up. The person who I was talking with spoke fast and mumbled a lot, at some points I couldn't understand her. I then I had to demenstrate how broken my Xbox 360 was by turning it on and trying to play some games. :P Well at least it will finally get fixed because there are so many games coming out for the 360 that I want, I'd hate to miss out on them.

Movie Recommendation #13.

Another movie recommendation for ya guys.

Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1975

Jack Nicholson stars in this very great film that shows the lives of patients in a mental institution.

When Randle McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) is arrested again, he does what ever it takes to avoid working and serving time in prison, Randle decides to fake insanity to avoid another trip to prison. Now living in a mental institution, Randle now must learn to get used to his new living conditions and get along with the real patients who are really crazy. Because Randle isn't crazy, his free spirited rebelleous attitude is considered a threat among the other patients, because of this one of the hospitals nurses named Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) is determined to keep things under control, and try to prevent the other patients from copying Randle's type of life-style. Randle takes a dislike to Nurse Ratched immediatly, and just to piss off Nurse Ratched Randle rounds up all the patients to lead an all out rebellous war against Nurse Ratched.

Winner of 5 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and Best Actor. (Jack Nicholson) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is also ranked #33 on the American Film Institute's 100 Greatest Movies. Filled with a story of friendship and great humor, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is another fantastic film to enjoy.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

The Bourne Ultimatum.

I just got back from the movie theatre after seeing The Bourne Ultimatum, and it was a pretty good movie, though the plot is kind of confusing like in the previous two films but it was still a good movie. The fight scenes were great, there was plenty of action, and Matt Damon was awsome too. I'd recommend you see this film but you have to see The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy in order to understand what's going on.

New Video in Production and Reviews.

Alright I'm going to be making one last Sonic X Re-Dub and that will be it for the re-dub series. I apperciate the people who enjoyed my comedy movies but lately I've decided to move on and stop making videos. The re-dub will be up this month so I might not be as on much like you're used to.

I got some new game reviews up of Red Steel, Sonic CD, and Sonic R so check those out if you to. I also edited my reviews of Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic and Knuckles, and Sonic the Hedgehog 360/PS3 so again check those out if you want to.

Alas, I Return!

Well I'm back from South Carolina and it was very nice there, though the house we rented was small but at least we were close to the beach. Each day we went out to some fancy restaurants and the food was great. Overall it was a good vacation, plus it feels so good to be home. :)

I'll try and catch up your blogs guys but it might take awhile.