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xdude85 Blog

New Sonic X Re-Dub.

Hey, sorry I wasn't on much today and sorry if I didn't get a chance to post in your blogs.  I've been working on this comedy video and now it's up and running, I hope you guys enjoy it.


The tag game.

About two days ago one of my best pals on GameSpot "tagged" me, basically you can give out random facts about yourself if you want to, but I feel like doing it just for the heck of it, lets start then.

My first video game console was a Nintendo 64, I got it in February 1997, and I got Super Mario 64.  Me and my older sister would play that game constantly, and we often fought over it, it got so bad that we bought another Nintendo 64 so me and my older siter wouldn't fight anymore. :P

I first became a Sonic fan in April 2006, my first Sonic game was Shadow the Hedgehog, I enjoyed it and got hooked on the Sonic franchise.

I first decided to start making movies because I was looking at one the videos one of my GS friends posted, and according to his bio, he was only 13, I figured if someone younger than me can make movies I can, and that's how got in the movie business.

I'm a bit lazy when it comes to school work, I sometimes do my homework while I'm on GS. :P

On weekends I sometimes stay up 'till 5:00 AM, don't ask why, I just like staying up late.

I have a short temper, and sometimes it's gotten me in trouble, I once beat this annoying kid in my class and had detention for a week, I can control my temper now but it sometimes comes and goes.

My school is absolutly awful, even though it's a Catholic school believe me the stuff I've seen will make you wonder.  It's so bad that someone once referred to me as "the normal one," which is sad really if you're the only normal person in a class out of 22 kids.

Well that's enough about me, now I'm gonna randomly tag three people, SR71halo, sbfullmer, and schoolsucks2005.

Something strange on GameSpot.

I've been trying to edit my Sonic Re-Dub 3 video for awhile now trying to make it an association with a Sonic game instead of the T.V. show Sonic X.  Everytime I type in the game name it says "No results found" underneath the search bar, and I've tried evry other game franchises like Mario, Donkey Kong and Metal Gear but it keeps saying "No results found"  Do you guys think it's another glitch on GameSpot again?

My latest comedy video.

Here's a brand new comedy video starring Sonic and the gang, this one is one of my finest videos yet, so I hope you guys enjoy it.


Great News!

For some strange reason Windows Movie Maker is running perfectly and that means that I'm back in business, expect to see another hilarious Sonic X re-dub by me on GameSpot and Youtube real soon.  In other news I'm recently hooked on Sonic Heroes, I'm almost done, I just need to complete one more story to unlock the final ending.  Well that's the latest news with me, have a great weekend everyone!

Back again.

Hey sorry I wasn't on, I got a D on a science test and my parents got pissed at me and the computer and video games were taken away from me, but I got a B on a social studies and an A on a spelling test so I can have everything back now.  By the way has anyone noticed how big the profile icons are? they used to be small and for some reason they're huge now.

Back from the retreat.

Well the retreat was ok, but seriously it was so terrible at night I think I only got like 5 hours of sleep and I'm so exhausted and glad to be home finally.  I checked Windows Movie Maker again, it's still broken so please stop asking me for requests ok? I can't make videos if the program is busted still, anyway glad to be back.

Not gonna be here for two days.

Well I have to go on this Confermation retreat tommorrow and I'm not gonna be here until like mid-afternoon on Saturday.  Just a little heads up for ya guys, so I guess I'll see ya guys soon.

Trying to fix Windows Movie Maker.

I mentioned earlier that Windows Movie Maker broke and I'm trying my best to fix it.  But so far there hasn't been any progress, I tried deleting old videos, and pics to make more memory space but that didn't work.  I've been thinking of uninstalling the whole program and install it again to see if it will work but this program came with the computer and may have to pay for it again if I try to install it again.  Anyway that's the main reason I wasn't on GameSpot most of today because I was trying to fix this, either it's messed all the way, or there's a bug in it, all I know is that I have to wait and see.

GameSpot's review on Sonic Secret Rings.

Man three blog posts in one day that's never happened before. :P  Anyway GameSpot has finally given their review on Sonic's latest game, they gave it a 7.6/10, I was expecting a higher score but the point is is that Sonic isn't a dying franchise and even after 15 years he's still got life left in him.  So at least GameSpot cut Sonic some freakin' slack and now all we have to do is wait for Sega to start making another Sonic game.