Hey here it is the Silver the Hedgehog AMV I made, I used the song Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park, hope you guys like it.
Hey here it is the Silver the Hedgehog AMV I made, I used the song Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park, hope you guys like it.
Movie: Resident Evil, 2002
Type: Action/Horror
The Umbrella Corperation is has been the leading developer in computers, medicines and more, but it is secretly in the viral, genetic, and bio weapons division, that its employees are literally kept in a underground facility called The Hive, where they work and live there. Then one of the virus experiments the corperation has been working on escapes and all the staff become trapped in a secruity lockdown to prevent the virus from escaping to Racoon City above them. A team of special police forces moves in to investigate the strange underground base. But when the team of commandos goes deeper and deeper into The Hive, they discover an unimagineable horror that may bring humanity to its knees.
Usually not a lot of movies based on video games have never been succesful, but Resident Evil is the finest one out of all of them, delivering amazing action, terror, special effects, and a brilliant plot. Gamers will not be disappointed with this, this movie rocks.
I give Resident Evil: 3 stars
Here's my 3rd video, it's a tribute to Sonic Heroes, I used the song Princes of the Universe by Queen, well I hope you guys like it.
Here's a little something I came up with, it's called Your Top 3, where you list your top 3 favorite things in the following catagories I'll list below, I'll even put my favorite things too.
Top 3 Bands- Mine are Pink Floyd, Green Day, and Linkin Park
Top 3 Game Series- Mine are Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., and Halo
Top 3 T.V. Shows- Mine are Family Guy, Fraiser, and Conan O'Brien
Top 3 Movies- Mine are The Fugetive, A Nightmare on Elm St., and Star Wars
Hey sorry I wasn't on all day because I was up in Cleveland having Thanksgiving dinner. It was good and all, we had food, and watched some of the football games. So I just want to say a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone of my friends on GS.
Also here's an updated list of AMVs I'll make soon, so stay tune for these.
Next Gen. Sonic AMV
Silver AMV
Mario Bros. AMV
Metal Sonic AMV
Sonic Heroes AMV
Here's another video I made, it's not that great but it's ok, it's a tribute to the game Resident Evil 4, I used the song Brain Stew by Green Day, hope ya like it.
GameSpot has finally given their opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog and it's far worst than expected. GameSpot gave it a 4.4, the lowest score a Sonic game has ever recieved, this game got more lower score than Shadow the Hedgehog. But I'm not giving in to the review, and niether should any of you, just because a game is bad based on what professional critics say doesn't mean you have to agree with them. Give this game a chance, it's your opinion that matters, not someone elses, rent to see if it's good. Like it, buy it, hate it, don't pay for it, simple as that.
Oh and FYI, the review is by the same guy who reviewed Twilight Princess.
Sonic the Hedgehog has been out for a week now, and its been getting scores we didn't expect, but finally someone saw the good things, and gave Sonic a bit of a boost.
Play Magazine- 9.5/10
We have still yet to wait on GameSpot's and IGN's opinion on this game, so far there have been seven reviews on this game, if you average it out the games average score is a disappointing 6.1/10 here on GS, but we have to be patient.
Due to a horrible pixels on my oringnal version of the Shadow AMV, I edited and uploaded a new version of the video, I'm going to delete my first version because of the bad quality, 'cause this one is a lot better.
Well I think my first video was a little succesful with over 180 views, I think that's good for a start, so I decided I'm going to continue my work with some more AMVs. With Thanksgiving break coming up, I'll have plenty of time to make a new video so be sure to check it out when it's finished. Also I'd like to apologize for the bad quality of the Shadow AMV I made, I know it doesn't look good, so I'm going to upload a re-mastered version of it. So here's what to expect this week.
Next Gen. Sonic AMV
Re-mastered Shadow AMV
I have a few more ideas, but I'll work on those later.
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