xdude85 Blog
New emblem!
by xdude85 on Comments
Last night, I went on a tagging frenzy and it paid off, as I got the tagger dabbler emblem today, I'm gonna keep on tagging so I can get another one.
Family Guy clips.
by xdude85 on Comments
Sadly there aren't anymore funny Sonic Youtube movies, so I decided to go with Family Guy, listed below are hilarious clips from the funniest show ever made, enjoy. :wink:
Picked up a new game today.
by xdude85 on Comments
Over 80 friends!
by xdude85 on Comments
Poll: Sonic better or worse with the "Mature" tone to his games.
by xdude85 on Comments
Here's a little poll I made 'cause I want to hear your opinions, and here's the question, is Sonic better with the more mature tone to his games? (ex. death, guns, swearing, and blood) Or was he better off with the kid friendly games that got him famous in the first place? Vote below.
A) Yes, it shows the series itself is trying to mature and appeal to older gamers
B) No, it should stick with the elements of the classic Sonic games.
Changes in my profile
by xdude85 on Comments
I'm gonna make a few changes in my profile, I'm gonna change my avator, and profile pic soon, most likely it will be another Mario & Sonic pic, but the ones I have are getting old, just thought you'd like to know.
Ask me any question.
by xdude85 on Comments
I'm a little bored, so if you guys have questions to ask me then ask away. (please no wierd or gross questions)
Some updates in my life.
by xdude85 on Comments
Here's whats been going on lately with me, I've found some of my grades this first quarter of the school year and heres how it looks
Science- C
Math- B
Language Arts- B
Religion- B
My Social Studies teacher hasn't told my class what are grades are so I'm not gonna find out 'bout that until Friday.
My cold is official gone 'cause I got to go trick or treating tonight, I got a lot of candy like everyone should. I'm getting ready for the holidays so the Christmas list is the making, so far I've got an Xbox 360, and Sonic the Hedgehog, I'm not sure what else to get but I'll figure it out. Just thought you'd like to know 'cause its just somethin' to get to know me more that's all.
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