It seems the impossible has finally happened, Duke Nukem Forever will be released some time in 2011.
If you're not familiar with Duke Nukem, it started out as a side scrolling shooter developed by 3D Realms for the PC back in the early 1990's. But the most memorable game out of the entire franchise was Duke Nukem 3D, one of the first 3D first-person shooters released on the PC in 1996.
In 1997, Duke Nukem Forever was announced and was it going to be a follow-up of last year's hit.
Then... it was never released. All this was due to financial, technical, legal, and publishing difficulty. It's a long story, and and it's really hard to sum it all up with so little space. It wasn't until recently that Gearbox took over the game development after 3D Realms was downsized.
Now it seems that Gearbox is finally closing in on finishing the longest development for a game ever. To be honest, I haven't played any of the Duke Nukem games, but I really want to check this one out.
Why? Well, by the time it's released in 2011 it will be a game 14 years in the making. All that time, and all that waiting has to be worth checking out.