Looking for a good movie? Then just come by my blog every now and then for some movie recommedations if you can't figure out what you want.
Movie 1: The Departed, 2006
The Departed takes you into the life of undercover police officers in the mob, Leondardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon play as two double agents, Leondardo plays a cop undercover with with the mob boss Jack Nicholson, and Matt Damon playes as a dirty cop working for the mob. The Departed won Best Picture in the Oscars, and it deserves it, tons of action, drama, and suspense, The Departed is a movie you'll never forget.
Movie 2: Goodfellas, 1990
Goodfellas once again takes you into the life of a mobster. Starring Ray Liotta who playes Henry a young adult that hopes to make it to the top of the business one day, Robert De Niro plays as the head mobster Jimmy who at first looks like a nice guy but will do anything it takes to get money and prevent news on his gang from getting out, and last Joe Pesci plays as Tommy the wild crazy hitman who kill anybody for any reason whether it's personal or business. Goodfellas was nominated for Best Picure and Joe Pesci won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Goodfellas is also ranked #94 on AFI's 100 Movies of All-Time, Goodfellas is movie you'll want to watch over and over again.
Thanks for reading my recommedations, if you see them, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.