xdude85 / Member

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The tag game.

About two days ago one of my best pals on GameSpot "tagged" me, basically you can give out random facts about yourself if you want to, but I feel like doing it just for the heck of it, lets start then.

My first video game console was a Nintendo 64, I got it in February 1997, and I got Super Mario 64.  Me and my older sister would play that game constantly, and we often fought over it, it got so bad that we bought another Nintendo 64 so me and my older siter wouldn't fight anymore. :P

I first became a Sonic fan in April 2006, my first Sonic game was Shadow the Hedgehog, I enjoyed it and got hooked on the Sonic franchise.

I first decided to start making movies because I was looking at one the videos one of my GS friends posted, and according to his bio, he was only 13, I figured if someone younger than me can make movies I can, and that's how got in the movie business.

I'm a bit lazy when it comes to school work, I sometimes do my homework while I'm on GS. :P

On weekends I sometimes stay up 'till 5:00 AM, don't ask why, I just like staying up late.

I have a short temper, and sometimes it's gotten me in trouble, I once beat this annoying kid in my class and had detention for a week, I can control my temper now but it sometimes comes and goes.

My school is absolutly awful, even though it's a Catholic school believe me the stuff I've seen will make you wonder.  It's so bad that someone once referred to me as "the normal one," which is sad really if you're the only normal person in a class out of 22 kids.

Well that's enough about me, now I'm gonna randomly tag three people, SR71halo, sbfullmer, and schoolsucks2005.