Movie: The Silence of the Lambs, 1991
Type: Drama/Horror
Starring: Jodie Foster, and Anthony Hopkins
A series of brutal and disturbing murders by a psycopathic killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill" is sweeping the midwest and the police are desperate for answers but have no leads. The F.B.I. steps in and realizes that to catch a killer you need to know how a killer's mind works. The F.B.I. sends in agent Clarice Starling (Foster) to interview the murderous madman psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter. (Hopkins) The F.B.I. hopes with Hannibal's psychological knowledge, that he can lead them to the killer. But as the puzzle pieces are put together, Hannibal becomes more interested with agent Clarice's past that Clarice finds herself battling her own demons while hunting for a madman, and supervising an insane doctor. This was a good movie it won 5 Oscars including best picture, Anthony Hopkins was fantastic, Jodie Foster was ok, but her voice was annoying. The plot is good, but their were alot of disturbing scenes invovling canniblism, and a transvistite scene is what I didn't like about this flim. Overall this is a good movie, but very disturbing.
I give The Silence of the Lambs: 3 stars